Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1899: Still hit the ground 3

Chu Muyue glanced at the little **** who fell on the ground, and there was a cold snort of mockery in her nose, and her eyes were full of deep disdain and ridicule.

Ye Tianming smiled and walked to Mu Yue's side, "Little Junior Sister, you are really getting better and better. I believe that in a while, you will surpass me!"

Mu Yue turned his head and smiled and looked at Ye Tianming, "It is estimated that it will take a while, and you have made a lot of progress!"

He used to think that the boss was on his head for granted, but if Mu Yue had to surpass him, he would not be able to accept it.

Therefore, he was practicing desperately, and he absolutely couldn't let the little junior sister catch up with him so quickly.

And he was completely wrong, this girl is simply a perverted evildoer, how long it has been, she has been transformed into a realm.

He has to admire it, no wonder his boss likes her, and the boss can match her!

Other people, as long as they see Mu Yue's talent, they will definitely be beaten to death, so how can they still be able to marry her!

"Hey, I still can't compare with your pervert!" Ye Tianming shook his head helplessly and said with a sigh.

Mu Yue smiled slightly, turned his head to look at Zhu Shi who fell on the ground with a look of horror and disbelief, and sneered.

Zhu Shi's disdainful and mocking eyes cast towards Shang Mu Yue, his body shuddered subconsciously, staring at her.

"What...what are you going to do!" Zhu Shi's body was trembling. He didn't expect that Mu Yue and Ye Tianming would kill them directly after bringing so many people.

Mu Yue looked at Zhu Shi with a smile, "What do you say I am going to do? I am a law-abiding citizen and will not kill!"

Zhu Shi heard Mu Yue say that he would not kill, but he was still very scared in his heart, and his heart was terrified.

Ye Tianming laughed and looked at Zhu Shi gleefully, "Boy, now you know how great we are! Tell you, even if you bring a teacher with you, we can still beat them down! "

Qiu Moge also walked over with a smile, "I see, even if the entire military area comes, it can't help you. With their useless energy, it's just a piece of cake!"

Zhu Shi and the little gangsters listened, they only felt as if they were slapped one by one on their faces, making them feel that their faces were hot and painful.

The villagers in the village uttered a burst of cheers when they saw this situation.

"Hahaha, Zhu Shi, you also have today!"

"Good fight! Good fight!"

"Zhu Shi, it's not that it's not time to report!"

The villagers also came round one after another, facing Zhu Shi and fell into trouble.

Zhu Shi glared at the villagers fiercely, and felt very hate towards them in his heart, because of his anger, his body was trembling slightly.

"You...very good! I...I won't let you go!" Zhu Shi got up from the ground, put down a sentence, put down the last ruthless sentence towards everyone, and fled in embarrassment.

The gangsters saw Zhu Shi all run away, and hurriedly ran away.

Watching them escape, the old village chief showed a worried look, looking at Mu Yue and Ye Tianming, "This...Mr. Ye, you... They are all gone, they will definitely come to trouble!"

Mu Yue smiled and patted the old village chief's hand comfortingly, "Old village chief, don't worry, I'm afraid he won't come, if he comes, I will let him die miserably!"

What she wanted to target was not only Zhu Shi, but also the uncle behind him.

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