Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1908: Here is police station 2

"Police station?" Ye Tianming raised his eyebrows, looked at Zhu Shi in front of him with a playful smile, looked down at the punks around him, pointed at them and said, "Could you say that these guys are the policemen of this police station?"

"Even if it's not a policeman, you can't fight it!" Zhu Shi angrily faced Ye Tianming's arrogant threat, "You dare to beat my brother, I will let you know the consequences and fate of offending me!"

Ye Tianming showed a wicked smile on his face and looked at the people behind Zhu Shi, "Will you end? I also want to know, what will you end up with!"

Zhu Shi suddenly let out a frantic laughter, "End? I want to see what you can do? Do you know who I am? Laozi's uncle is a high-ranking county official!"

Hearing Zhu Shi's words, the middle-aged man standing beside Mayor Xing suddenly changed his face and stared at Zhu Shi's back.

When Mayor Xing heard Zhu Shi's words, he subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the middle-aged man next to him, with some warning and anger in his eyes.

The middle-aged man received Mayor Xing's eyes, and his body trembled, and his heart kept chilling.

"Asshole thing! What are you talking nonsense over there!" The middle-aged man couldn't hold back anymore, he screamed at Zhu Shi.

Just now, I was shocked by what was in front of me. I didn't react for a while, and I didn't even think about blocking Zhu Shi's mouth.

He didn't expect that if he didn't pay attention to one of his own, he might get rid of the disaster, and he kept cursing this idiot Zhu Shi in his heart.

Hearing the sharp roar of the middle-aged man, Zhu Shi's body, who was originally arrogant, trembled just like the middle-aged man just now, turning his head to look behind him.

When Zhu Shi saw the middle-aged man with an angry face, he suddenly tremblingly called, "Uncle!"

This middle-aged man is Zhu Shi's uncle, Zhu Lei.

"Pop!" Zhu Lei raised his hand angrily and slapped Zhu Shi's face with a fierce slap.

Zhu Shi was dizzy by Zhu Lei's slap, and his face was unconfident. He couldn't believe that his uncle would slap himself.

"Bastard thing!" Zhu Lei shouted angrily again.

Zhu Shi stared at Zhu Lei in surprise. He didn't understand why his uncle would appear in front of him and scold him like this.

It is no wonder that Zhu Shi did not see the arrival of Mayor Xing.

But as soon as he opened the door, he heard the applause and looked in the direction of the sound, which happened to be opposite Mayor Xing and the others. After turning his head, Mayor Xing and the others were behind him. Naturally Did not notice their appearance.

At this time, Mu Yue also got up from the stool in the interrogation room and walked out.

Seeing this big scene taking place in the hallway, he raised his eyebrows.

Ye Tianming looked at Mu Yue with a smile, and asked concerned, "Little Junior Sister, are you okay?"

"Do you think something will happen to me?" Mu Yue's mouth showed a playful smile, and said to Ye Tianming jokingly.

"Hehe, how is it possible?" Ye Tianming also laughed.

While Mu Yue and Ye Tianming were chatting, Mayor Xing walked up, glanced at Mu Yue and Ye Tianming, and said very friendly, "Hello, are you Miss Mu Yuemu?"

Mu Yue turned his head and looked at Mayor Xing who was talking. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and nodded, "I am Mu Yue!"

"Hello, hello, Miss Mu. My name is Xing Zhiming. I am the deputy mayor of Mianzhou. I received an order from the old leader. If Miss Mu has anything to do, I will definitely help!"

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