Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1909: Here is police station 3

The head of the police station that received the news heard Xing Zhiming's arrival, and hurriedly rushed over.

However, when he rushed over, he saw that Mu Yue shook hands with Xing Zhiming, and they were still having such a friendly conversation.

No, it shouldn't be regarded as a friendly conversation. How does he think that Xing Zhiming seems to be hugging Mu Yue's thigh?

This thought flashed through the head of the police station, and his body was trembling with fright, and a thin layer of cold sweat broke out all over his body.

Director Chen only hopes that this matter is not what he thought.

However, the fact is that this director's wishes are no longer the same.

Mu Yue shook hands with Xing Zhiming, "Thank you Mayor Xing for coming here for my business!"

In this type of address, everyone will have an unspoken rule, that is, as long as there is no positive, the deputy will directly give the adverb, which will make the other party sound satisfied.

"This is what I should do!" Mayor Xing said respectfully to Mu Yue with a smile, and asked Mu Yue with concern, "Miss Mu, have you been wronged?"

Regarding Mu Yue, he also heard what the leader of Mu's family said.

At the beginning of the Mu's banquet, his position and status were not enough to attend regularly, but he also knew about Mu Yue's return to the Mu's family.

He also understood how much the Mu family cared and protected the little princess who had returned to the family.

Before I saw Mu Yue coming here this time, I called him first, and then asked him to take care of Mu Yue. When Mu Yue called him, he would also try his best to help.

From these words, we can understand how high Mu Yue's status is in the Mu family.

The other young masters of the Mu family went everywhere, but they didn't have the ability of Mu Yue to make the elders of the Mu family specifically call him.

Seeing Mu Yue appearing in this interrogation room now, and under such circumstances, it is strange that Xing Zhiming is not worried.

If Mu Yue was wronged here, he felt that he would be unlucky for the rest of his life.

Mu Yue smiled and shook his head, "Thank you Mayor Xing for your relationship, I'm fine now!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Xing Zhiming nodded, slightly relieved, and asked concerned, "Miss Mu, what happened?"

He wanted to understand exactly what happened, and then he was in charge of Mu Yue.

The corners of Mu Yue's lips raised slightly, and said to Xing Zhiming, "Mayor Xing, this is what you see. I was innocently arrested in the police station and threatened. I hope that Mayor Xing will host you. justice."

When Mayor Xing heard Mu Yue's words, his expression became a little ugly, and he turned his head and looked at Zhu Shi and his uncle Zhu Lei coldly.

When Zhu Lei received Mayor Xing’s sight, his body shivered again, and he quickly argued for himself, “Mayor Xing, maybe, the matter is still unclear, we can still investigate!”

Zhu Shi looked at Mayor Xing with a shocked look, he did not expect that this person turned out to be Mayor Xing.

Then he looked at Mu Yue in disbelief and horror. He couldn't believe how Mu Yue would meet Mayor Xing in front of him.

He didn't expect things to happen to this point. Looking at Mu Yue's playful eyes, his body shivered suddenly, and his bladder felt a swelling feeling.

"Hahaha, investigate?" Mu Yue sneered, looked at the punks in the corridor outside the interrogation room with a mocking look, and pointed at them, "What about them? These people look like punks, right? But why do they do so? Appeared here? And also appeared in the interrogation room, here...I haven't seen a policeman yet!"

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