Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1910: Dog bites a dog's mouth 1

"Yeah, since you are all here, take a look and see which policeman came out of our interrogation rooms!" Ye Tianming also chuckled lightly, and said to Zhu Lei as a reminder.

"Well, besides, the person who came out of my room just now was Zhu Shi? Who is he, is he eligible to enter the interrogation room? Shouldn't it be that only the police can enter?" Mu Yue raised her eyebrows and looked mockingly. To Zhu Shi.

A thin layer of cold sweat broke out on Zhu Lei's forehead, and he didn't know how to answer the questions of Mu Yue and Ye Tianming for a while.

"This..." Zhu Shi was also anxious and flustered, his eyes rolled, just to see Director Chen who was shocked on the spot, and quickly pointed at him and said, "This matter was arranged by Director Chen. I... I also passed by. Director Chen entered the interrogation room with permission. I don't know about the other interrogation room!"

Director Chen, who was all shot while lying down, immediately stared, pointed angrily at Zhu Shi, and gritted his teeth viciously, "Zhu Shi, you even slandered me. You said you wanted this lady and this gentleman to get revenge before they beat you. Chou, let me catch them to the police station so that you can have a chance to take revenge!"

"You just spit, I am a little village chief, what qualifications do I have to order you as the director of the police station!" Zhu Shi also stared, and shouted with confidence.

Director Chen was so angry that his hands pointing at Zhu Shi were trembling slightly, "You, said that you would say good things to me in front of your uncle who is a high-ranking county official, so that I have a chance to rise. Do it for you! And, you also said that you want to strengthen that lady and become your woman!"

"Do you have any evidence? This kind of thing where the upper lip and the lower lip are touched, anyone would say!" Zhu Shi snorted coldly, and said proudly.

Mu Yue spoke suddenly, with a bright smile on her face, "I have evidence, I have it!"

When Zhu Shi heard this, he only laughed and questioned her mockingly, "Evidence? What evidence do you have?"

"I can prove that what Director Chen said is true, you really want to strengthen me, and you threaten me, saying that if I am obediently obedient, I want me to look good!" Mu Yue said calmly.

"Bitch, don't talk nonsense, who is threatening you! There is no evidence, you don't want to slander me! I...I just want to discuss the land issue with you! Yes! That's it!" Zhu Shi's eyes rolled. Sneered inwardly.

What if he is in the interrogation room? No one proved what he said, and no one proved whether what Mu Yue said was true!

Who can guarantee what he said just now!

Mu Yue looked at Zhu Shi coldly, her eyes full of ridicule and contempt. This guy, this is what he said because of the lack of evidence on his hands.

However, I am afraid that God will not be on his side this time!

Oh? is it! Mu Yue sneered, do you think I'm that stupid?

"Mayor Xing, I have a recording here that recorded everything we said in the interrogation room."

When Zhu Shi saw a tape recorder that Mu Yue had taken out, his eyes widened suddenly, his expression unbelievable.

He didn't expect that Mu Yue would bring out such a tape recorder. Is this true?

Subconsciously, Zhu Shi thought it was fake. How could this **** know what he was going to do to her?

Mu Yue took out the tape recorder in his hand, with a playful smile on his face, and then pressed the switch.

Everyone thought that the voices of Zhu Shi and Mu Yue came out of this tape recorder.

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