Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1913: Depressed Ye Tianming 1

Mayor Xing looked at the tape recorder in his hand and patted Mu Yue's chest and promised, "Miss Mu, don't worry, I will definitely check this out!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded lightly, glanced at Zhu Shi and the others, who were full of decadent faces, a flash of mockery flashed in his eyes.

Director Chen saw his glory and wealth just leave him so quickly, how could he be reconciled?

Those who were brought by Mayor Xing wanted to detain him, Director Chen immediately rebelled, pushed them out, and shouted angrily.

"What are you doing, let me go!" Director Chen yelled for a while, and then rushed towards Mu Yue again.

Director Chen's eyes were red, this was all because of Mu Yue and Zhu Shi, if it weren't for the two of them, he wouldn't end up like this.

In his eyes, he couldn't subdue Zhu Shi for a while, but he was able to cure a little girl like Mu Yue.

Although Zhu Shi had said before that he was beaten, but he did not fully explain that Mu Yue's skill was very high, and subconsciously, Director Chen regarded a good person as Ye Tianming.

As a result, Mu Yue became a soft-footed shrimp, which he could squeeze round casually.

Faced with this situation now, Director Chen just wanted not to be arrested, so he put his attention on Mu Yue.

Mayor Xing saw Director Chen pounce on Mu Yue, and immediately called out, "Miss Mu!"

Mu Yue snorted coldly, and looked at Director Chen's eyes with deep disdain and contempt, "It's up to you?"

The three words are so arrogant, so contemptuous, that they don't pay much attention to the director Chen in front of them.

Before Mayor Xing came to rescue Mu Yue, Mu Yue already raised his hand and slapped Mr. Chen's fan.

A burst of clear and loud applause echoed in the corridor.

Immediately afterwards, they saw that Director Chen who had pounced on Mu Yue had been...ornately fanned.

Yes, it was just blown away by this slap!

Director Chen's figure was at least one hundred fifty sixty kilograms, but he was so easily slapped and slapped by Mu Yue.

"Audience?" Mayor Xing and the people he brought with him stared at the scene with open mouths.

Subconsciously, everyone rubbed their eyes to confirm whether what they saw was true or not.

However, this is the case. Director Chen stuck his whole body on the wall, slid down the wall, and fell heavily to the ground.

Director Chen lay on the ground on all fours, like a toad turned over, his limbs twitching, his eyes turned up, and the cheek that was half fanned by Mu Yue was red.

Everyone looked at this situation and couldn't help but the muscles of their cheeks trembled fiercely, and their bodies were trembling. What a cruel move!

Ye Tianming shook his head with a look of sympathy, "Oh, I want to find a little junior sister? Isn't this looking for death? I really don't know how you died. You didn't get slapped to death. It's really your luck! "

Hehe, I thought that the younger sister was a soft persimmon, which is very easy to handle, but unexpectedly, the soft persimmon turned into a mighty and domineering lioness.

That's the little ancestor who even his boss has to bow down and obey her!

How could he fight against this useless waste?

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