Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1914: Depressed Ye Tianming 2

"It's really bad luck!" Mu Yue patted the palm of her hand, then took out a napkin from her pocket and wiped her palm, as if the face she slapped just now seemed to be something dirty or something. It was a virus, which made him dislike it.

"Hey, it's just bad luck. It's unlucky to meet them! No, the entire police station is implicated!" Ye Tianming smiled happily and said jokingly.

Mu Yue glared at Ye Tianming, "I think it's bad luck to use your stuff!"

Ye Tianming heard it and couldn't help but think of what he had heard from the tape recorder. His face instantly blushed, and he only felt ashamed.

In order to conceal his blushing, Ye Tianming commanded the people who were still dizzy by Mu Yue's slap, "What are you still doing? Hurry up and control this guy? Do you want him to jump again? Rise up and threaten others?"

When everyone heard Ye Tianming's words, they all subconsciously returned to their senses, and rushed up to buckle Chen Hua who had fainted.

When Zhu Lei and Zhu Shi saw Chen Hua's embarrassed appearance, they couldn't help but shiver, and the Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts was completely dispelled.

Look at the bad luck of this guy, let's get caught up obediently!

The staff ran to the police station to find the handcuffs and handcuffed all the people here.

Mayor Xing was relieved when he saw that these people were detained one by one and then put on the police car.

Seeing Mu Yue's sturdy skill just now, she couldn't help but sigh and exclaim for a while, and admired her even more. I didn't expect her skill to be so powerful.

Being able to slap a person into the air, as expected to be the daughter of the fifth master Mu, it is so different!

"Miss Mu, it shocked you!" Mayor Xing said to Mu Yue with concern, "Are you hurt?"

Mu Yue shook his head and waved his hand, "It's okay, Mayor Xing, please take care of it as soon as possible!"

"Good!" Mayor Xing nodded.

Ye Tianming walked over with a smile and said with a smile to Mayor Xing, "Mayor Xing, give me the tape recorder in your hand!"

When Mayor Xing heard this, he quickly put it away, "No, this is an exhibit!"

"I knew it was an exhibit, but I didn't say to destroy him, I just... just dropped some things!" Ye Tianming suddenly became angry, staring at Mayor Xing.

This guy is too ignorant of what he says. No wonder he is only a deputy mayor until now. Doesn't he know that his drunkard is not about drinking?

Mayor Xing naturally didn't know what Ye Tianming thought of him. If he knew it, he would definitely die of depression and feel very innocent. How did he know what he meant!

"What's going on? The recording inside can't be deleted!" Mayor Xing heard Ye Tianming say that he was going to delete the recording, thinking that Zhu Shi and Mu Yue were going to be deleted, and he quickly refused.

"I wipe it!" Ye Tianming couldn't help but burst out a swear word, turned his head and stared at Mu Yue, who couldn't help laughing out loud, "Who said that I want to get rid of the recording of the little sister and that bastard? There are other recordings in there!"

Mayor Xing was taken aback. He seemed to think of someone’s narcissism. He coughed with embarrassment on his face and handed the tape recorder to Ye Tianming. He reminded him, “Be careful, this is evidence. Up!"

"Don't worry, I'm not you stupid!" Ye Tianming gritted his teeth and snatched the recorder fiercely.

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