Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1916: Return to the capital to sweep the grave 2

Mu Yue and the others left the village first, and went to print those contracts first, while Mu Yue and Ye Tianming went to see Zhu Shi and Zhu Lei to make sure they had been investigated.

In particular, Zhu Lei's crimes were investigated as soon as the investigation was conducted, and he was reported immediately.

After a few days of training, I also told Xing Zhiming by the way that they wanted to establish a base for Chinese herbal medicines in Mianzhou.

Mu Yue's investment made Xing Zhiming very happy, and he immediately handled it for Mu Yue.

Compared to other official second generations, what Mu Yue has done is really real, especially the Longteng Group she founded.

Even Xing Zhiming had to surrender, had to marvel, this girl is really amazing.

He also investigated Mu Yue, and the information on the surface was enough for him to hold Mu Yue's thighs tightly. He absolutely must do this well.

The establishment of the Chinese herbal medicine planting base is also a good political achievement for him. How could he just let it go?

With Xing Zhiming's help, Mu Yue was also a little more relaxed, and, as the Ching Ming Festival was about to go, she had to go back to the capital to sweep the tomb.

This was the first time she went to visit her grandma's grave with her relatives on the Ching Ming Festival after returning home. She couldn't be absent.

Moreover, the matter here is almost handled, Zhu Shi has also solved it, and now it is waiting for the villagers in the village to discuss it before she can intervene, and he also takes advantage of this time to do his own thing.

On a day like Ching Ming Festival, you have to go back to the capital and go to the tomb. Besides, I don’t know if Brother Xiao will go back!

Before leaving Sichuan Province, Mu Yue stood at the airport security checkpoint, took out his mobile phone, and got through Xiao Junyan's call.

"Where?" As soon as Xiao Junyan heard the call, it was Mu Yue's call and asked with concern.

Mu Yue smiled and asked Xiao Junyan, "Well, I'm at the airport, going back to Beijing, how about you? Will it be Beijing?"

"Back!" When Xiao Junyan heard Mu Yue say that he was going back to the capital, a glint flashed in his eyes. He stood up from behind the desk and quickly changed his clothes. "What time is the plane?"

"There is still an hour, how about you? When will you go back?" A sweet smile appeared on the corner of Mu Yue's mouth, and she was finally able to meet Senior Brother Xiao again.

It's been a long time since I saw Senior Brother Xiao, and I already thought about it, wanting to be with him!

Alas, she was really poisoned by Xiao Junyan!

Xiao Junyan was already sitting in front of the computer at this time, with one hand crackling against the computer keyboard in front of him, glanced at the airport and said, "Half an hour early!"

It takes a long time for Sichuan Province to arrive in the capital, and when he arrives in the capital recently, he will wait for her in the capital first.

"That's right!" Mu Yue laughed when she heard it, "Then wait for me!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded, got up and walked outside, "When will the security check?"

"The security check is coming soon! Well, I won't tell you yet!" Mu Yue glanced at the people in the line, and it was his turn soon, and said to Xiao Junyan.

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded, and heard that the phone had been hung up on the other side of the phone. He also turned off the phone. When he touched it, he closed the door, stepped on the accelerator, and the car screamed out.

At the airport, Ye Tianming walked to Mu Yue's side with a smile, "Looking at you with a happy and sweet smile, did you call the boss?"

Mu Yue blushed, glared at Ye Tianming irritably, then snorted and went to the security check.

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