Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1917: Return to the capital to sweep the grave 3

When he arrived in the capital, Mu Yue got off the plane and was about to get his luggage. He happened to meet Xiao Junyan who was standing to get the luggage.

"Yue!" Xiao Junyan called Mu Yue and walked towards her.

Ye Tianming was slightly surprised when he saw the incoming person, then turned his head to look at Mu Yue, then shook his head, and sighed, people who fall in love are different!

Mu Yue walked towards Xiao Junyan and gave him a big hug without shudder, "Senior Brother Xiao!"

Xiao Junyan was taken aback by Mu Yue's hug, and when he recovered, his hands were also tightly hugged Mu Yue's back, and his head was buried in her neck.

Mu Yue just took a hug and withdrew her hands, and her cheeks were already flushed.

"Senior Brother Xiao, why are you here?" Mu Yue asked in surprise.

Xiao Junyan let go of a hand, raised his hand, and helped Mu Yue to pull the messy hair on Mu Yue's cheek behind her ears, and gently explained, "I just got off the plane, just waiting for you!"

"That's right!" Mu Yue nodded with a smile on her face.

She didn't know that Xiao Junyan had investigated the flight and export situation of Mu Yue's plane, and it was naturally clear, so she just waited here.

Ye Tianming put his hands on the back of his head, whistling, "Boss, Junior Sister, you guys talk slowly, I'm leaving now!"

After finishing talking, it was flashing, he didn't want to feed these two guys a mouthful of dog food every day.

Seeing Ye Tianming's leaving back, Mu Yue smiled and turned to look at Xiao Junyan, her eyes full of longing and love, "Do you miss me?"

Xiao Junyan nodded lightly, "Yes!" Then after thinking about it, he said, "I really want to, I really want to!"

Mu Yue smiled very satisfied, and showed a big bright smile, "Very good, I am satisfied with this answer!"

"A few days in the capital?" Xiao Junyan asked Mu Yue with concern.

Mu Yue thought for a while and said, "I'll stay for two or three days. I have to go to Sichuan Province. Although the matter is about to be resolved, I still feel a little worried. After they sign the contract, I can rest assured to go back to study! "

"Well, that's just right, I only stayed for three days, so I can just send you off and go with you!" Xiao Junyan gently touched Mu Yue's head, and said indulgingly.

When asked about this, he just wanted to confirm that he would buy the ticket behind her and send her away before leaving.

"That's great!" Mu Yue showed a bright smile on his face, and put his arms around Xiao Junyan's arm, "Go, let's get the suitcase first, but I don't think I can see you often in Beijing these days! "

"It's okay, I can pick you up!" Xiao Junyan gently touched Mu Yue's head, and said indulgingly.

Even if he can't be with Mu Yue during this time, as long as he can see her and pick her up, he is enough.

Mu Yue looked at Xiao Junyan guiltily, and was moved by such a man silently guarding him.

"Sorry for making you so embarrassed!" Mu Yue said guiltily.

However, Xiao Junyan gently scratched Mu Yue's Xiaoqiong's nose indifferently, "For you, as long as you are well, everything is worth it!"

Mu Yue lowered Xiao Junyan's head, a blush appeared on his cheeks, and whispered softly in his ear, "Wait for me to become an adult, here you are!"

When Xiao Junyan heard Mu Yue's words, his head was blank, and the steps under his feet almost became chaotic, and one staggered to the ground.

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