Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1924: The spy dating method 2

The Ching Ming Festival worship is over in one morning, and Mu Yue plans to stay one day, and then go back to Sichuan Province on the third day.

The next day, Mu Yue accompanied Mr. Mu, sitting on the sofa and reading, when the door was knocked.

The nanny picked it up from outside and walked in with a woman.

"Little Miss, this Miss Xiao Fengyi is looking for you for something!" the nanny said to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue turned to look at Xiao Fengyi who walked in from the outside, with a bit of surprise on her face, "Sister Fengyi, why are you here?"

Elder Mu looked up and was surprised and puzzled when he saw the person coming. Why did this girl come here?

Xiao Fengyi walked to the front of Old Man Mu, smiled and greeted respectfully, "Hello, Grandpa Mu!"

"Yeah! Good!" Elder Mu nodded and asked, "Why are you here, girl?"

Xiao Fengyi glanced at Mu Yue and said, "Oh, I heard that Sister Mu Yue is back, so I came to look for Sister Mu Yue to go out to talk about the past. I wonder if Grandpa Mu can let me go out?"

Elder Mu took a deep look at Xiao Fengyi and nodded, "Well, since you are going out, go out, but you can't stay outside for too long, Xiao Yueer, let the guard Xiao Qin go out with you! "

When Mu Yue heard what Elder Mu said, she was ashamed and quickly declined, "Grandpa, no, I'm just going out with Sister Fengyi, there is no need to let the guards go with me!"

"How can this work? If you don't agree, don't go out!" Elder Mu glared at Mu Yue, threatening viciously.

Mu Yue was speechless, and looked at each other with Xiao Fengyi, and could only silently agree, "Okay! Grandpa, I'm going out to play first!"

"Go, go!" Elder Mu smiled and waved his hand.

Mu Yue turned to face Xiao Fengyi and said, "Sister Fengyi, I will change a dress first, and I will go out with you with a bag!"

"Well, I'll go with you!" Xiao Fengyi rolled his eyes, and hurriedly followed Mu Yue to walk up, "Tell you, sister, I have a lot of research on clothes!"

"Okay!" Mu Yue nodded with a smile, and walked upstairs with Xiao Fengyi.

Elder Mu was drinking tea, looked up at the left back of Mu Yue and Xiao Fengyi, and smiled triumphantly, "Little guy, dare to play this kind of little nine-nine in front of Lao Tzu!"

Mu Yue and Xiao Fengyi came to the room, Xiao Fengyi looked outside, closed the door, and ran to Mu Yue with a smile, "Sister, today I specially asked you to go out to play with my little brother, and go out on a date!" "

"Senior Brother Xiao?" A smile flashed in Mu Yue's eyes when he heard Xiao Junyan, "Where is he?"

"It's in the car outside!" Xiao Fengyi smiled, and whispered in Mu Yue's ear, "It's nestled in the back seat. You two will find a chance to leave first. The guard Xiao Qin will give it to you. Me!"

Mu Yue smiled and nodded. He didn't expect that this method was used to meet Senior Brother Xiao. How could it feel like a spy war?

At this point, it is really drunk!

"Good!" Mu Yue nodded.

But think about it, this kind of gameplay is pretty good, and I've never encountered such a dating method before!

"Hey, this is a plan that I discussed with my grandfather. Give me the other bags! This is how we finally get along. Some other support, as well as my grandfather's side, don't worry!" Xiao Fengyi patted Mu Yue Comforted by his shoulders.

Mu Yue was ashamed, so even Father Xiao joined! Is the battle a bit big?


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