Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1925: Dating method of spy war 3

Mu Yue got dressed, took his own small bag and walked downstairs with Xiao Fengyi, "Grandpa, then I will go out with Sister Fengyi!"

"Go, go!" Elder Mu waved his hand and reminded him, "Remember to come back for dinner tonight!"

"I see, grandpa!" Mu Yue nodded, smiled and left the yard with Xiao Fengyi.

Mu Yue and Xiao Fengyi opened the door. A twenty-six or seven-year-old young man stood at the door and greeted Mu Yue and them, "Miss!"

"It turned out to be Brother Qin. You go with us, but you don't have to make a car with us. I have some girlfriends to tell Sister Feng Yi!" Mu Yue said to the guard surnamed Qin.

Hearing Mu Yue's words, he nodded, "Yes, miss!"

There was a secret joy in Mu Yue's heart, and she put her arm around Xiao Fengyi's arm, "Sister Fengyi, go!"

Xiao Fengyi glanced at the guard Xiao Qin, and took Mu Yue into the car.

However, Mu Yue was sitting in the back seat, not the passenger seat.

As soon as Mu Yue got in the car, she saw Xiao Junyan hiding behind the back seat with a bright smile on her face.

Xiao Junyan's whole body was shrunk behind, and Mu Yue had to look straight at the small place where his entire fat body could fit.

"Brother Xiao, you..." Mu Yue pointed at Xiao Junyan, her eyes widened in surprise.

Xiao Fengyi also got in the car at this time, took a look at the situation behind, chuckled, then started the car and left.

The car was already moving, Xiao Junyan glanced at the situation, and also jumped out from behind and sat on the back seat.

Mu Yue watched Xiao Junyan move his muscles and bones, stretched his limbs, and his bones made chuckles.

After Xiao Junyan exercised his muscles and bones, he stretched out his hands, took Mu Yue into his arms, and hugged him tightly.

Xiao Fengyi, who was driving in front, looked at the situation behind him, and was fed a handful of dog food. He was really frustrated.

She was really idle all day and had nothing to do, but she was fed dog food that she delivered to her door. This is really too frustrated and too depressed. Is there anything wrong with it?

Isn't this finding a living for yourself?

I had known that she would not take this task anymore, and would never help this **** again.

Mu Yue asked Xiao Junyan concerned, "Will you feel bored there?"

Xiao Junyan heard Mu Yue's gentle and caring words, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help showing a sweet and happy smile. He stretched out his hand and held her little hand tightly, "It's okay!"

"You really are, why do you do this!" Mu Yue could only stare at Xiao Junyan helplessly.

However, Xiao Junyan was concerned about what Mu Yue said, knowing that he was uncomfortable!

"It's okay, don't worry!" Xiao Junyan gave a gentle comfort to Mu Yue again, and took her into his arms, "I'm very happy to be with you, it's worth it!"

Mu Yue suddenly had a blush on her cheeks, and glared at Xiao Junyan with an annoyed look. This fellow knew what to say!

And, there is another third person here!

"Sister Fengyi is driving!" Mu Yue pushed Xiao Junyan helplessly to remind him.

Xiao Junyan's eyes were gentle, "It's okay, don't care!"

"Damn!" Xiao Fengyi suddenly cursed, "Xiao Junyan, can we still play well? I am also your sister anyway, and I helped you get Mu Yue out. How did you return me?"

"I will help you find a good man!" Xiao Junyan turned his head and hit Xiao Fengyi back.

Xiao Fengyi suddenly had blue veins on his forehead, gritted his teeth, "You...very well, wait and see!"

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