Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1931: Brothers of the Mu family are very powerful 1

Mu Hongbo failed to get through Xiao Qin's phone, but it was turned off when he called for the second time. He raised his head and stared at Mr. Mu, "Grandpa, Xiao Qin's phone is turned off!"

"Cough cough cough!" Elder Mu was almost choked by the saliva in his mouth, and looked at Mu Hongbo in surprise, "Didn't get through?"

"Yes! Someone must have got Xiao Qin's mobile phone, so he turned off his mobile phone, because when I called for the first time, I still got through. It was pressed down by someone afterwards. If I call again, the phone will shut down!" Mu Hongbo made a sure analysis.

Mu Ziheng grabbed Mu Hongbo's hand with both hands, "Then call your cousin!"

"Yes, yes, call sister Yue!" Mu Hongbo hurriedly called Mu Yue.

At this time, Mu Yue was watching a movie in the movie theater, and the phone ringing suddenly rang, making everyone in the movie theater look at Mu Yue and them.

Mu Yue's room became the focus of the crowd, with a blush on her cheeks, she quickly took out her mobile phone, and hung up the call without seeing who was calling. .

Unable to resist the scorching gaze from everyone, Mu Yue lowered his head and stuffed his head directly into Xiao Junyan's arms.

I really can't blame her for being so noticeable, because this is the age of the early 21st century, when not everyone can have a mobile phone, so it is still very noticeable to hear the ringing of a mobile phone at this time.

This proves that this person is a rich person, who allows her to have a mobile phone?

Xiao Junyan took Mu Yue into his arms, turned his head, and glanced at the people who were paying attention to them with his cold and dark murderous eyes.

Although it was a little dark here, and only with the help of the light of the movie, I could see some things, but I couldn't see Xiao Junyan's face.

However, the murderous eyes made them tremble, and they turned their heads subconsciously without looking at them.

When they turned their heads, they felt a little depressed. What happened to them? How could there be such a subconscious action?

Mu Yue, who was nestled in Xiao Junyan's arms, lowered his head, checked the mobile phone in his hand, and quickly muted the mobile phone first.

Then look at the caller number, it turned out to be at home.

Did the phone call from home already know that I was with Xiao Junyan?

Mu Yue looked up and looked at Xiao Junyan worriedly, "Senior Brother Xiao, it was a call from Hongbo's cousin. It should be at home. Have we been discovered?"

Xiao Junyan looked at the phone in Mu Yue's hand and thought for a while and said, "If you know, sister will call me!"

If what Xiao Junyan said at this time would reach Xiao Fengyi who was in the coffee shop at this time, Xiao Fengyi was definitely holding the coffee in her hand, with a treacherous smile on her face, and blinked at Xiao Junyan, "Boy, who You asked me to feed me dog food in the car just now. This is what you end up doing! Deserve it!"

When she heard Xiao Junyan's words, Mu Yue frowned suspiciously, "Are you sure you will tell us?"

Xiao Junyan thought for a while and nodded, "Yes, sister said it!"

"Oh!" Mu Yue seemed to believe Xiao Junyan's answer, nodded, and then lowered his head to edit his text message to Mu Hongbo.

Mu Hongbo looked at his hung up phone, his face was full of black lines, why even this girl hung up his phone!

Just when he was startled, Mu Yue's text message came.

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