Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1932: Brothers of the Mu family are high-spirited 2

Mu Hongbo opened the mobile phone text message and saw the content inside. He was taken aback, "I'm watching a movie, don't call?"

"Watching a movie?" When Mu Ziheng heard what Mu Hongbo read out, he stretched out his head and asked in surprise.

Mu Hongbo frowned and said analytically, "It's impossible! If it's watching a movie, Xiao Qin can't just turn off the phone!"

"Yeah! I must be lying!"

"And this mobile phone, I don't know if Sister Yue is texting us!" Mu Hongbo guessed!

Mu Ziheng nodded and quickly reminded Mu Hongbo, "That's right, let's call!"

Mu Hongbo pressed the phone madly again and sent a text message to Mu Yue, "No, I can't contact Xiao Qin, I want to call you and listen to your voice!"

When Mu Yue saw the above, she was shocked, "Can't get in touch with Xiao Qin?"

She knew that Guard Xiao Qin was fascinated by the drug she took out, and it would be impossible to wake up without a day's time.

Therefore, thinking of this, Mu Yue suddenly felt that his lie had been exposed, what should I say!

Mu Yue could only surrender his gaze to Xiao Junyan, "Senior Brother Xiao, I think they might already know it!"

Xiao Junyan frowned slightly, took out his mobile phone, and sent a text message to Xiao Fengyi.

At the same time, Xiao Fengyi was drinking tea leisurely.

Seeing my mobile phone rang, it was a text message, and when I took the phone, it was Xiao Junyan's text message.

Thinking of the situation of Security Officer Xiao Qin's mobile phone just now, Xiao Fengyi's face showed a smirking smile.

When I opened the text message, it turned out to be Xiao Junyan's question. It was very brief, "Is there any movement in Mu's family?"

Xiao Fengyi smiled, with a very helpless expression on his face, but he also told the truth, and pressed the keys with his hands crackling, "I'm sorry, brother, you two really don't know how to take care of my single girl. , Keep giving me eye drops, I can only have a little ambition first, you are so smart, you must have guessed it!"

When Xiao Junyan saw the text message sent by Xiao Fengyi, he had only one thought in his mind, that is, "Be fooled!"

Suddenly, Zhang Junyi's face turned black, and the veins appeared on his forehead. This old lady is too unreliable!

Mu Yue also quickly grabbed Xiao Junyan's cell phone, and when he saw the content on it, he immediately raised his head and gave Xiao Junyan angrily.

It was the actual combat dragon claw hand again, pinching Xiao Junyan on the soft and fleshy part of his waist.

But, no matter what, the flesh on someone's body was so strong that she couldn't pinch, so she could only grab Xiao Junyan's hand and bite hard, leaving a tooth mark.

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue a little bit dumbfounded, and then looked at the handprints on his hands. He only felt that he was innocent, and he was really more wronged than Dou E!

What's up with him? It's Xiao Fengyi, but he has been tricked!

He dare to say that this is the first time he has been tricked, and he was even caught.

If Xiao Fengyi was here, she would definitely give him an inverted thumb, and then burst into a frantic laugh, "Hahaha, it's still a good old lady! Let me fight with your old sister, you are still tender! Sure enough! Ah, the person in love, whether it is a man or a woman, even you, an invincible general on the battlefield, has to fall into the pit! Wow ha ha ha..."

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