Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1933: Brothers of the Mu family are high-spirited 3

Mu Yue looked at Xiao Junyan and asked, "What should I do?"

A firm light flashed in Xiao Junyan's eyes. He took the phone in Mu Yue's hand, and then directly pressed Shut down, shutting down Mu Yue's phone, and then his own phone, also shutting down.

Mu Yue blinked suspiciously, and looked up at Xiao Junyan, "Why are they all turned off?"

"No one can disturb us!" Xiao Junyan grabbed Mu Yue into his arms, making a domineering declaration.

Mu Yue was immediately ashamed, but she couldn't help but blush on her cheeks.

"This... isn't it?" Mu Yue still asked Xiao Junyan weakly.

Xiao Junyan's eyes flashed with incessant focus, "There is nothing wrong with it. If they find out, our plans for today will be ruined!"

They knew about going home anyway, so go ahead. Can't let this opportunity be wasted like this, right?

After hearing this, Mu Yue nodded in agreement. Indeed, it is rare to find such a good opportunity for two people to be together, so don't go back.

"However, I still have to talk to my family, otherwise, they will be very anxious, thinking I will be kidnapped!" Mu Yue reminded Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan listened, nodded, took out his mobile phone and turned it on.

"Why is your cell phone?" Mu Yue looked at Xiao Junyan in a puzzled and puzzled way.

Xiao Junyan touched Mu Yue's head, "If you are with me, my phone will not be lost!"

"Oh!" Mu Yue patted her head and suddenly realized.

Who in this world can take Xiao Junyan's cell phone away? Who can kidnap Xiao Junyan? Therefore, as long as Xiao Junyan sends text messages, the Mu family can be 100% sure that he is with Xiao Junyan!

So, Xiao Junyan used his mobile phone to send a text message to Mu Hongbo, that is, "I am Xiao Junyan, and Mu Yue is by my side."

As soon as Mu Hongbo saw this content, his eyes almost didn't burst into flames.

Sure enough, they got it right. Indeed, Mu Yue was indeed with Xiao Junyan, and he was still in a place like a movie theater!

"Damn, it's really hit!" Mu Hongbo couldn't help but explode and cursed.

Mu Ziheng slammed his head on Mu Hongbo's body, "That guy, unexpectedly used this method!"

Elder Mu sighed, "The move is high, Xiao Yueer himself is willing to follow!"

Hey, this is just coming home, why is he about to be abducted so soon!

The heart of his old man, his heart aches!

I really don't know what kind of magic soup the stinky boy from the Xiao family poured into Mu Yue, and even asked Mu Yue to follow him out so willingly.

"No, you have to find Sister Yue first!" Mu Hongbo returned to his senses and quickly looked at Father Mu, "Grandpa, do you want Sister Yue to come back now?"

Mu Ziheng nodded as if pounding garlic, and agreed, "Come back, we will pick it up now!"

The fourth aunt glared at her two sons helplessly, "Why don't you join in, go along, this is their own business, what are you joining in here!"

"Mom, don't worry about this matter, just leave it to us, we will never do anything unfavorable to Sister Yue!" Mu Hongbo hurriedly pushed the third aunt away.

Mu Ziheng nodded in agreement, "Yes, Mom, you go and prepare the food! Let us leave it here!"

Aunt San looked at Mu Hongbo and the others helplessly, and could only shook her head.

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