Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1934: Brothers of the Mu family are high-spirited 4

Mu Hongbo called Mu Yutao and the others and asked them to come over to Mr. Mu early to gather.

For nothing else, just to be able to find Mu Yue and rescue him from Xiao Junyan's claws.

Mu Yutao and the others came here when they heard about this.

"What happened? Didn't figure it out on the phone, why did sister Yue go out with Xiao Junyan?"

"Yeah! Didn't Sister Yue say she will be at home?"

Several people showed their puzzlement and doubts, and asked.

Mu Hongbo sighed helplessly, explained the whole thing, and everyone understood.

The first to react and have ideas is Mu Yutao, and said to Mr. Mu, "Grandpa, your guard Xiao Qin should be under control. We must find him before we know where Sister Yue is now! "

Elder Mu nodded, with a smile on his face, but a sly light gleamed in his eyes, "I'll leave this to you, and see if you five stinky boys can fight Xiao Junyan!"

Although his old man was very dissatisfied with Xiao Junyan's actions like this, he actually got Mu Yue out without his permission, at least let's say it!

Moreover, now that he saw that these boys of his own gathered together, he couldn't help but want to see if his five brats could deal with Xiao Junyan alone!

On the contrary, his old man was more willing to see how the five stinky boys tried their best to find Mu Yue.

"Grandpa, I don't understand what you mean!" Mu Yifeng asked without understanding, scratching his head.

Elder Mu laughed and pointed at the five Mu Yutao and said, "I mean, just let me see, you five, can you borrow the abilities you have on hand instead of looking for your parents' power, can you? Can't beat Xiao Junyan, look at it!"

Hearing what Elder Mu said, the five of Mu Yutao looked at each other, as if there was a ball of flame in their eyes.

They also wanted to compare, whether the five of them, combined, could be comparable to that **** Xiao Junyan.

If none of the five of them can match that bastard, then they can really buy a piece of tofu and hit it.

I couldn't see the five people, and there was no movement. Father Mu felt a little annoyed and snorted coldly, "What? Are you scared?"

"Okay!" When Mu Yutao heard Elder Mu said that they would be afraid of Xiao Junyan, he slapped him on the thigh without thinking, and settled.

Mu Wenhao gritted his teeth viciously, and said confidently, "Yes, what's to be afraid of?"

"How could it be bad?" Mu Hongbo said triumphantly, "Grandpa, this matter is left to us, and we will definitely bring Sister Yue back!"

"Yes!" Mu Yifeng also swears with his fists.

Elder Mu looked at the appearance of the five brothers in the Mu family, with a smile on his face, nodded, "Well, you go, give you time, you must go home at 4:30 in the evening, this is also the time limit for you! "

"Okay!" Mu Yutao and the others all stood up, their whole bodies seemed to be burning with a flame of fighting spirit.

The third aunt in the kitchen poked her head slightly, took a look outside, and looked at her son and some nephews.

In the eyes of the third aunt, there was a strong hopelessness for them.

She didn't think that without the help of Old Man Mu, the five people in the family were Xiao Junyan's opponents, so she would just wait to watch a good show at home!

Thinking that they would be frustrated, the third aunt couldn't help showing a bright smile on her face.

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