Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1938: Do you think i want 4

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan left the movie theater and didn't know where they were for a while.

"Senior Brother Xiao, where are you going?"

Xiao Junyan looked down at Mu Yue and said with a slight smile, "Let’s go to Western food first. Although the time has not yet arrived, it is almost time!"

"Okay!" Mu Yue nodded with a smile, "Oh, I guess this is set by Sister Fengyi for you again!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded honestly again.

Mu Yue was also helpless. It seemed that the romantic plot she wanted was designed by outsiders, not by Xiao Junyan.

Seeing Mu Yue's unconscious appearance, Xiao Junyan asked her with concern, "Don't you like it?"

Mu Yue shook his head and turned to stare at Xiao Junyan, "I told you before that we are going out on a date, yes, but you have to arrange and design yourself, have you forgotten?"

Xiao Junyan shook his head, he was completely unprepared!

He thought that during this time in the capital, he could only see it during the pick-up time, but he didn't expect that there would be such a day that he could come out for a date.

Therefore, he didn't know what to prepare for a while, and he didn't know any good appointment arrangements, so he could only follow Xiao Fengyi's arrangements.

Also because Xiao Junyan was never a person to shirk responsibility, he silently accepted Mu Yue's point at this time.

"I will prepare more in the future!"

Xiao Junyan secretly thought that in the future, we must definitely prepare for a date first. You can't make an appointment and just leave it. If you can make an appointment, it will be the best to give Yue a surprise.

Mu Yue smiled, “Learn how romantic people are. When you’re fine, you can watch TV. Well, today’s romance is still fine. You can see how other actors treat actresses. , How gentle, how considerate, how to give a romantic and surprising date to a hostess!"

Xiao Junyan nodded with memories and thoughts in his eyes, "Okay! I will learn!"

"That's right, chasing girls, you can't treat girls coldly!" Mu Yue raised his hand and squeezed Xiao Junyan's cheeks and cheeks. The girl always feels that your cold face is because you hate her, you know?"

"I didn't dislike you!" Xiao Junyan's attention was only at the end, and he quickly explained, "I will try to laugh!"

He wants to explain that his cold breath is not because he dislikes her, but his character has always been like this, and he will try to change himself for her.

Mu Yue nodded in satisfaction.

She believes that Xiao Junyan's personality will change in the future, and it will not be like before, rejecting people thousands of miles away, even the family will no longer despise him because of this.

Grandpa and the others, are not worried yet. Xiao Junyan is too cold and alienated from others. She is afraid that she will be with him in the future. She may be happy because she loves him, but her heart is painful and lonely. of.

Therefore, Xiao Junyan's character is what they scrupulously worry about, for fear that she will be sad because of him.

In this case, they would rather she never want to marry.

It's not that their Mu's family can't afford to raise her as a girl, and she doesn't need them to raise her. Her company is enough for her to live a rich life for a lifetime without worrying about life.

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