Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1939: If you want to date, you can give money 1

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan had a beautiful lunch. Although it was set by Xiao Fengyi, Mu Yue was still quite satisfied.

On the other hand, when the Mu brothers received the news that when they didn't find Mu Yue, they almost dropped the mobile phone in their hands.

Damn, that Xiao Junyan, really a good method, he must have known that they would come to them, so he escaped early.

What they didn't know was that, in fact, Xiao Junyan had no idea that they would come directly to them for Mu Yue. Ye Tianming came and took them away to avoid them.

Mu Yutao glanced at the crowd and asked worriedly, "What should we do now? We only know that they went to the cinema before. There are still some goals for this, and we can still find it!"

"Yeah! There is no goal now, and we must be unable to find them. After all, the entire capital is so big! What's the matter!" Mu Yifeng also shrugged his shoulders and head, and sighed deeply.

From the small area of ​​the movie theater to the entire capital city of that size, this is like finding a needle in a haystack.

"Then how to find it now?" Mu Ziheng looked at Mu Yutao and the others innocently. He didn't know as many people as them, so he could only look at them.

To be honest, he is purely making soy sauce here.

Mu Yuqing glared at Mu Ziheng fiercely, and said instructively, "How else can I find it? Of course it is to find someone to go and see on the street!"

Mu Ziheng shrank his neck aggrievedly, very innocent, why did he spill his breath on him?

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan had already started shopping.

"I'll buy you some clothes!" Mu Yue looked at Xiao Junyan's clothes and said with a smile.

Whether it was a date or not, Mu Yue felt that the clothes Xiao Junyan wore were more formal, and it was tiring to look at.

Originally, Xiao Junyan's temperament already gave people a very depressive feeling. If you change to a different style and lighter clothes, it will be better, and the whole person will be more relaxed.

Xiao Junyan nodded, "I listen to you!"

"Then let's go!" Mu Yue took Xiao Junyan's arm with both hands, and took him to the mall with him.

This time I bought clothes specifically for Xiao Junyan, and the entire floor was men's clothes.

Xiao Junyan was responsible for going in and changing clothes, while Mu Yue was watching outside.

Walking into a store and looking at the casual sportswear inside, it fits Mu Yue's style in mind.

When the two entered, the waitress walked up with a smile, and saw a handsome guy like Xiao Junyan, both eyes were green, and she was very attentive.

"Sir, is there anything I can help?" The waiter only saw Xiao Junyan in his eyes, directly treating Mu Yue as air.

Xiao Junyan didn't even look at him, but looked down at Mu Yue beside him.

Mu Yue brought him here, and he didn't know what clothes he wanted.

Mu Yue smiled at Xiao Junyan and said, "Let's take a look first!"

"Okay, please here!" The waitress smiled and nodded. She stretched out her hand to give in falsely, leading Mu Yue and the others to the front, spittingly introducing the clothes in their shop.

However, Mu Yue directly put the introduction of the waitress in his left ear and out of his right ear. He chose his own clothes, and went directly over the waitress. He took a long-sleeved T-shirt with an eighteen number written on it and handed it to Xiao Junyan, Try this one!"

I was looking for something simple and easy, such a piece of clothing is just right.

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