Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1940: If you want a date, you can give me money 2

Xiao Junyan went in to change clothes, while the waitress outside was very interested in Xiao Junyan, "Little sister, who is that handsome guy?"

While Xiao Junyan was away, the waitress couldn't help asking about Xiao Junyan.

"He? It's my boyfriend!" Mu Yue glanced at the waitress and said coldly, "Don't mess with other people's ideas, just do your own job!"

The waitress choked suddenly, only feeling that something was blocking her heart.

"You are so young, how could it be his girlfriend!" But the waitress still didn't believe it and couldn't help refuting.

Such a handsome and temperamental man, even if she has been working in this big shopping mall, she has hardly seen him.

As soon as I saw him, I couldn't move my eyes away, and I wanted to get close to him.

It's just that when she approached this man just now, she realized that the closer she got to him, she felt cold all over, but she didn't know why this happened.

Mu Yue sneered and looked at the waitress. There are so many women who want to catch a beetle-in-law!

Xiao Junyan changed his clothes, came out from inside, saw Mu Yue, walked over, "okay?"

Mu Yue looked up and down, and if she wore it on top, it was okay, but she was wearing trousers with a sharp nose underneath, which was not quite suitable.

Before she spoke, the waitress clapped her hands and said in surprise, "Sir, you wear this one really well, and it's also very handsome!"

Mu Yue glanced at the waitress, did not speak, but frowned at Xiao Junyan.

Sometimes, boyfriends are too handsome and it is a trouble!

It is said that the red face is a disaster, but his blue face is a disaster!

Seeing Mu Yue frowning, Xiao Junyan lowered his head and looked at him, "It doesn't look good? No more!"

"How could it not look good!" Mu Yue hadn't spoken yet, the waitress spoke again, "Sir, this dress is most suitable for you to pass on!"

"I didn't ask you!" Xiao Junyan turned his head very displeased, and swept at the waitress with his cold and sharp eyes, his voice also full of icy air.

The waitress was shocked by Xiao Junyan's eyes and scolding. She hurriedly lowered her head and did not dare to say a word.

"Well, let's change it, let's go to another store!" Mu Yue said to Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan nodded, went in and changed the clothes back, took the clothes directly to the service counter, and handed them to the other waiters, "Your service attitude is too bad, don't buy it!"

After speaking, he turned back to Mu Yue's side, grabbed her hand and left.

Mu Yue kept watching Xiao Junyan's actions, but he didn't expect that he would come to do this, and attribute the reason why he didn't buy clothes to the waitress.

She didn't think that Xiao Junyan, who was changing clothes just now, would not know the situation outside. He must have heard it too, so he did it.

Thinking of this, the corners of Mu Yue's mouth couldn't help but a slight arc curled up slightly.

Sure enough, within a minute of leaving the store, I heard waves of scolding and scolding inside the store.

Mu Yue couldn't help but slap Xiao Junyan's arm lightly, and said jokingly, "You are good or bad!"

Xiao Junyan answered in a serious manner, "She bullies you!"

"Puff!" Mu Yue laughed. This man really doesn't allow others to bully her at all!

As long as it was the person who bullied her, he would return it a thousand times over.

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