Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1941: If you want to date, you can give money 3

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan finally bought some sportswear, they carried them, and walked out of the mall.

Only when I walked to the elevator entrance of the mall, I heard a cry of surprise, "Cousin?"

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan heard this sound a little familiar, turned their heads, and saw Xiao Junyan's cousin Du Xueqin running towards them excitedly.

"Cousin, why are you here? Oh..." Du Xueqin looked at Xiao Junyan and then at Mu Yue, with a clear and treacherous smile on her face, "Are you dating?"

Xiao Junyan glanced at Du Xueqin, his tone was slightly unkind, "If you know, you still ask?"

I was dating Mu Yuezheng, so why did I run into this girl, and let him go on a good date!

Du Xueqin shrank her neck. He was still very scared of his cousin, and moved to Mu Yue's side.

"Hey, cousin, what did you buy? So many things?" Du Xueqin asked curiously, looking at the bags in Xiao Junyan's hand.

Mu Yue explained with a smile, "I bought some clothes for your cousin. The season is about to change, so I have to buy some new clothes!"

"New clothes! Really good! I want to buy them too!" Du Xueqin said with some greedy eyes.

It's all in early April, and it's time to change clothes, but her parents don't have much money to change clothes with such a large sum of money.

Mu Yue smiled slightly, blinked at Du Xueqin, jokingly said, "I want to ask your cousin for pocket money! He is a big money!"

Xiao Junyan glanced at Mu Yue's teasing, nodded, and looked at Du Xueqin, "I'll give you money, but you have to leave!"

What this said, how disgusting Du Xueqin is and how obstructive it is to follow them!

When Du Xueqin heard this, she rolled her eyes angrily. Hearing what Xiao Junyan said, she suddenly lost the sense of fear that she had seen him just now.

How do you look like a jealous ghost who has overturned the jealous jar.

"Give me more, otherwise, I won't leave. I will always pester you and your cousin's date!" Du Xueqin shook his head triumphantly, stretched out her white hand and hooked her four fingers. .

The corner of Mu Yue's mouth conjured up a slight smile, and looked at Xiao Junyan's dark face playfully.

Xiao Junyan took out a wallet from his pocket, directly drew out a bank card, and threw it to Du Xueqin, "There is one hundred thousand in it, is that enough?"

Du Xueqin hurriedly took it, looking at the bank card in her hand, she didn't expect Xiao Junyan to be so easy to talk this time.

Sure enough, men who fall in love are the most generous!

"Is it enough?" Mu Yue asked Du Xueqin with a smile, "If it is not enough, I can support you a little bit here!"

"Enough is enough!" Du Xueqin smiled and pinched the bank card in both hands, her mouth crooked.

Xiao Junyan immediately issued the eviction order, "If you have enough, then take your classmates and leave! The farther you go, the better, don't disturb us!"

Mu Yue was embarrassed again, rolled her eyes at Xiao Junyan angrily, despising this guy a little, do you want to be so embarrassed!

Du Xueqin smiled happily, "Okay, let's go right away, and will definitely not disturb the sweet date between you and cousin! Don't worry!

Xiao Junyan hugged Mu Yue's shoulders and turned around, "Go, let's leave!"

But before leaving, Mu Yue waved to Du Xueqin, turned his head and whispered at him, "Why are you so fierce!"

"Can't be disturbed by them!" Xiao Junyan said coldly.

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