Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1945: Crossroads car accident 3

There were indeed people in the car, especially the car that had the worst crash. The person in the driver's seat was unconscious, and there was blood on his forehead.

Mu Yue hurried to open the car door, but because the car was really deformed in the crash, there was no way, the strength of ordinary people simply couldn't work.

Looking at the car door that was almost all recessed, he took a deep breath, lifted the internal force in his body, and with his arm, he yanked the door out fiercely.


With one hand, Mu Yue directly pulled the door of the car down.

Everyone who just heard Mu Yue yelled came over to help. Originally saw that Mu Yue couldn't open the door and wanted to help.

But when he was halfway there, he saw Mu Yue unloading the door with a single blow. Suddenly, several big men stared their eyes wide in surprise.

Mu Yue shook the car door aside, regardless of whether the people outside were shocked or not, she hurriedly got into the car to check the situation of the people sitting in the driver's seat inside.

When he got into the car, Mu Yue smelled a scent of alcohol.

Mu Yue frowned immediately and glanced at this young man who looked only in his twenties with an unhappy expression.

Now she doesn't need to adjust the monitoring, the most likely is the car accident caused by this guy drunk driving.

If possible, she really didn't want to save this guy, after all, it was his negligence that caused this to happen.

However, she couldn't just watch him die in front of her. She could only save his life first, hoping that he would learn this lesson and never drink and drive again.

Under inspection, because the front of the car was hit, the shape was not clear, which also caused the front steering wheel to fall off, his legs were caught in the middle, the blood flow was not stopped, and it was likely that the artery was injured.

Mu Yue couldn't control his legs with two hands alone, while pulling those things apart, and hurriedly asked someone outside to help.

"Hurry up and help!"

The people who were originally surprised by Mu Yue's actions all quickly returned to their senses, ran over, and couldn't help asking.

"Miss, how did you do it? You dragged down this door!" Although they came to help, they were still shocked and asked Mu Yue.

Mu Yue casually found an excuse, "Because of the impact, this door has been loosened a bit, and I pulled it down as soon as I tried hard!"

They couldn't refute such an excuse. They thought it was so, and didn't ask any more, helping Mu Yue move the man in the car from above.

Mu Yue asked the two men to square the young man on the ground and looked up at them and said, "Go and inform a Fushengtang on the crossroad over there and ask if they have medical gauze and other things!"

"Okay!" Hearing Mu Yue's instructions, they nodded quickly and headed to Fushengtang.

Although Fushengtang is a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, there is no shortage of medical supplies such as alcohol medical gauze.

And Mu Yue squatted down first, and took the pulse for this young man. Actually, there was nothing wrong with him. He had a concussion when he hit the steering wheel with his head. The most serious thing was that his legs were given to him by those iron plates. The artery was cut under pressure, causing the blood to flow out uncontrollably.

If it continues like this, his life will be gone.

Mu Yue's hands flashed past like shadows, and silver needles appeared from her hands and landed on the young man's legs, first sealing the veins of his legs and controlling the blood flow.

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