Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1946: Crossroads car accident 4

Mu Yue's actions affected many people around. Everyone who had originally watched the show came over to help Xiao Junyan and rescue those who were in the bus.

After a while, a few young people ran over with an old man, and they were still holding some medical supplies.

A young man put a medical box in front of Mu Yue, "Here is the thing!"

Mu Yue nodded, but the movement in his hand did not stop. There were already a lot of silver needles in the thigh of this young man, controlling the blood that was rolling outside.

Then he opened the medical box and bandaged the young man's wound with the gauze inside to avoid subsequent hygienic infections.

"You are watching him here, if the doctor comes, don't let him move the silver needle on his leg!" Mu Yue said to the man beside him.

The man nodded, "Okay, I get it!"

After solving this young driver, Mu Yue turned around to help others.

An old man who originally ran with him saw that Mu Yue was actually saving a person with a silver needle. Moreover, as her silver needle fell, the young driver's wounds that had been exposed to blood no longer bleed out. This made him It was shocking.

The old man looked at Mu Yue in surprise. He did not expect that such a young girl would have such a high level of medical skills and ability to control the patient's injury so quickly with a few silver needles.

Although he didn't see the end from beginning to end, it didn't take long for him to come out since the accident happened just now.

In fact, when Mu Yue asked those people to go to Fushengtang, he heard the movement outside and asked the people in the store to prepare medical supplies and prepare to help.

It didn't take long for this to come out, and it was already under control. This speed and medical skills are not something ordinary people can do.

Therefore, for this alone, he had to treat Mu Yue differently.

Mu Yue ran to the vicinity of the overturned bus, turned over and jumped onto the bus, and entered through the window.

People who can climb out by themselves means that they have no problem. There are other people in this car, old people and children, but they have not been able to get out so easily.

Mu Yue watched Xiao Junyan holding a long pole in both hands and lifting it up, so that the person underneath could have a chance to pull out his body.

"Senior Brother Xiao, let me give him a hand, and I will pull him out!" Mu Yue climbed over from the side and dragged the old man who was under the pole from below.

I was already in a senior grade. In such a situation, my strength was gone, so I could only use Mu Yue's help to climb out of this pole.

Xiao Junyan saw that Mu Yue had rescued the person, and also let go of his hands, "Why are you here?"

Mu Yue explained and asked with concern, "There are no seriously injured people outside. I'll come in and take a look. How many people are injured inside?"

"There is also the driver, you go and have a look, I don't know the specifics, I dare not let anyone move him!" Xiao Junyan said to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded, and quickly handed the old man to the other people who had climbed in. First, he went to see the driver who was sitting in front of him.

The driver was a middle-aged man in his 40s and 50s, with blood on his body, many wounds and glass slag.

Sitting in the front, hitting the car and then hitting the pole, it is a miracle not to die.

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