Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1947: Uninterested Western Medicine 1

Mu Yue walked to the middle-aged man's side, spread his neck, still had a weak pulse, and was able to get his pulse.

The situation was the same as she had seen, it was very bad and it was also very serious, worse than that of the young driver.

"It's best if you haven't moved, because his internal organs were hit by the steering wheel of the car, which caused serious damage to the internal organs. I first gave him an injection to stabilize the injury in his body, and then lift him out!" The silver needle was taken out of the space, and he gave orders to Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan nodded, "Okay, you give him an injection first, and I will get him out if I can!"

"Then you go and save other people first!" Mu Yue glanced at the other people in the bus, gave an order to Xiao Junyan, and lowered his head to give the driver an injection for treatment.

There were a lot of children in the bus. Because of the car accident just now, their bodies were light and they didn’t have any strength, and they crashed in the air. One or two children were thrown out directly, and the rest fell in the car. There was a burst of painful crying and screaming.

Although Xiao Junyan's medical skills are not as good as Mu Yue's, but after so much experience on the battlefield, their injuries also need to be bandaged, and he has also learned some diagnosis and treatment.

Some children were diagnosed, and they were told how to take them out of the bus without hurting the children’s injuries.

Time passed by, not only was the bus saving people, the old doctor who came out of Fushengtang also joined the ranks of saving people and helped them deal with their injuries.

Not long after, a nearby hospital drove an ambulance over. The traffic policeman came one step ahead of them. They guided the surrounding cars to the sidewalk and let the ambulance get stuck in first.

At this time, Mu Yue, who was in the bus, helped the driver control the injury in his body, and called Xiao Junyan to lift the power of the driver and several people out of the bus.

After asking everyone to carefully put the driver on the ground, Mu Yue squatted on the ground again, checking other places for him.

It was also at this time that the ambulance also stopped in an open place, and the emergency doctor in the car quickly got out of the car.

When the emergency doctor came over, he organized the nurses who followed him to join him in first aid.

The emergency doctor who came down was obviously a Chinese medicine doctor. When he saw that the young man who was the first driver rescued by Mu Yue had a silver needle pierced on his body, he immediately started cursing.

"Who did it! How can I pierce the wounded with silver needles!"

Obviously, this doctor is a Western medicine, and he is still a Western medicine who doesn't like Chinese medicine.

Otherwise, seeing the silver needle on the young man's body would not say such a thing in such a large public.

When Mu Yue heard the doctor's words, she subconsciously raised her head to look at the middle-aged western medical man, but she also happened to see him reaching out to reach the silver needle pierced on the young man's body. The needle is pulled out.

Seeing his behavior, Mu Yue's eyes flashed with anger, raised his hand, and shot the silver needle that he originally wanted to pierce the middle-aged man in the driver at the middle-aged man in western medicine.

And the old Chinese doctor who helped on the other side also heard the words of the middle-aged western doctor. Although it was noisy here, what he said was really loud, and he heard it too.

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