Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1948: Uninteresting Western Medicine 2

The old Chinese doctor raised his head dissatisfiedly and looked at the middle-aged western doctor who was talking, but he hadn't said anything yet, he keenly saw a silver needle with a cold light looking for acupuncture points on the middle-aged western doctor's wrist.

Seeing this needle, a bright light flashed in the old Chinese doctor's weather-beaten eyes.

Everyone feels that it’s a simple thing to pierce the silver needle, but if you can pierce the skin with a silver needle, everyone may be able to do it after practicing for a period of time. However, an ability like Mu Yue won’t even last ten years. It will be successful if you can practice it.

Because this is not just relying on hand strength and wrist strength, but also on the accuracy of acupoint recognition. Together, the ability to test is more than one aspect.

The silver needle is so thin and light. If you want to shoot this silver needle a few meters away from Mu Yue, and still accurately shoot it on the acupuncture points of the middle-aged man, even he may not be able to do it, because He is also old now, and the strength of his hands is not as good as before.

If his age is not up, perhaps, the strength of the wrist is still there, then it can be done, but the problem is that he is weak.

When the old Chinese doctor exclaimed in his heart, the middle-aged western doctor let out a scream of pain.

The middle-aged western doctor sat on the ground with his hips, grabbing his wrist, staring at the extra silver needles on his wrist, with a face of disbelief, "Who, who did it?"

With that, he pulled out the silver needle from his wrist.

Mu Yue glanced at the middle-aged man in the driver at his feet, there was no danger, so he took a free hand, stood up, and said coldly, "It's me!"

Hearing Mu Yue's voice, the middle-aged western doctor's eyes straightened, "You!"

"Otherwise?" Mu Yue looked at the western doctor coldly, "I asked you to help deal with the wounded, not to make you trouble here. I pierced the silver needle on the wounded. Pulling it out will make him bleeding. Are you willing to take this responsibility?"

When this western doctor heard Mu Yue's words, not only did he not repent, but looked at Mu Yue more mockingly, "Responsible? You told me to be responsible! Who do you think you are? Do you think that a few needles can save people? This is saving lives, not playing!"

"You are a doctor, you are here to save people, not to hinder me from saving people, you have to know, before you come, I am saving people! It's not you!" Mu Yue was very unsympathetic and went straight to the street. Blame the middle-aged man of Western medicine.

Hearing Mu Yue's words, the middle-aged man of Western medicine suddenly became so angry that he almost thundered and stared, "What are you talking about, who do you think you are? Are you a doctor or I am a doctor!"

You know, he is a doctor, so what right do you have to say about him based on this stinky little girl?

"Doctor? You are also a doctor?" The old Chinese doctor couldn't stand it anymore, stood up angrily, stood on Mu Yue's side, and accused the middle-aged man of Western medicine, "Cai Peng, you are still not a doctor, you In a place like this, the first thought is to blame others instead of treating more wounded people?"

These words are also the thoughts in the hearts of all the wounded and the passersby on the side of the road.

"You... are you Qi Huai Lu Qi?" Cai Peng, a middle-aged western medicine doctor, looked at Qi Huai Lu Qi, an old Chinese doctor who was questioning his nose in surprise.

"Yes, it's the old man!"

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