Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1952: It's dangerous here, go home 2

Qi Huailu Qi, an old Chinese medicine doctor, also dealt with the injury of the last wounded. He stood up and patted his old waist. He was a little tired.

Old Qi smiled and came to Mu Yue's face and said, "My name is Qi Huailu. I don't know what your name is, little girl?"

Mu Yue smiled and introduced himself to Qi Lao, "Qi Lao, hello, my name is Mu Yue!"

"Oh, Mu Yue!" Old Qi thought for a while. It seemed that he had never said this name from an old guy before, but he was familiar with it, but he didn't know where he heard it. I couldn't remember, "Where did I hear this name! Who is your master?"

"My master is just a Chinese medicine doctor in the mountains and forests. He hasn't come out for decades. I think, Mr. Qi, you don't know him!" Mu Yue said with a smile.

Old Qi nodded, but still felt a little strange, and asked Mu Yue, "Have I heard your name somewhere?"

Just as Mu Yue wanted to speak, there was a cry from the crowd. Turning his head and looking in the direction of the voice, he saw Mu Yutao walking with Mu Wenhao, Mu Yifeng, Mu Hongbo and Mu Ziheng. Come here.

"Brother Yutao, Brother Wenhao, Brother Yifeng, Brother Hongbo, Ziheng, why are you here?" Mu Yue looked at Mu Yutao and the others curiously and surprised.

Mu Yutao and the others came over, and the first time they looked at her up and down for any damage.

"What's wrong with the blood on your body? Where is it hurt?" Mu Yutao surrounded her and asked her worriedly.

"Yeah, there is still blood on the hands!"

"I just said don't go out with that **** guy, look, there is blood!"

Several Mu brothers spit out.

Mu Yue listened to the words that the Mu brothers cared about, her heart was very warm, but she still had a helpless wry smile on her face, glanced at Xiao Junyan next to him, and comforted the Mu brothers, "Don't worry, these The blood is not mine, but a car accident happened here. I am helping to save people. The blood on my body belongs to someone else!"

"It's not your blood! That's good, that's good!" Mu Yutao and the others were relieved when they heard it.

When they heard the call in Mu Yutao, they only noticed Mu Yue's whereabouts, and the others were completely air, so they didn't know about Mu Yue saving people here.

Old Qi watched Mu Yue talking with the Mu family brothers, but he couldn't insert a word, he could only watch Mu Yue talking to them silently.

Mu Yutao pulled Mu Yue's wrist, "Sister Yue, go, let's go home and go home soon!"

Mu Wenhao was also concerned and persuaded Mu Yue, "Yes, right, go home immediately! Don't be with this guy anymore, I have been in a car accident! I don't know what will happen later! It's too dangerous!"

"That's it, it's too dangerous, let's go home, it's the safest at home!" Mu Hongbo nodded and said in agreement.

Listening to the words of several older brothers and them, Mu Yue felt a little sweat in his heart, and squinted at Xiao Junyan, who was a little unsightly.

Her date with Xiao Junyan is not over yet! About to go back?

She still didn't want to end like this in her heart!

"I'm really fine, I still want to play outside!" Mu Yue found an excuse and said to a few older brothers.

"No, go home, you have to go home! It's too dangerous here!" Mu Yutao, the largest of the brothers, made the decision first.

Mu Yue was very helpless, glanced, just in time to see the appearance of Qi Lao hesitating and stopping, secretly making a plan in her heart.

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