Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1953: It's dangerous here, go home 3

"Brother Yutao, I still have some questions about Chinese medicine for Lao Qi!" Mu Yue pointed to Lao Qi and said remindingly.

After Mu Yue said so, Mu Yutao and the others turned their attention to Qi Lao.

When Mr. Qi heard that Mu Yue finally mentioned himself, he was a little happy, and he finally noticed him!

"Hehehe...Miss Mu doesn't know if I can talk to you, and go to my clinic to talk about Chinese medicine!" Old Qi smiled and said friendly to Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded quickly, "Okay, I also have some TCM problems and I want to ask you for advice!"

"Ask for advice! Let's go home first. Your clothes are all blood. If you have anything to ask for, you can ask for advice on another day!" Mu Yutao objected.

Hearing Mu Yutao's words, Mr. Qi also seemed to find something uncomfortable. The blood in this body was too!

Wearing blood to chat with him is really inconvenient, and his old man is really embarrassed to keep Mu Yue.

It is true that just now everyone was engrossed in the injuries of those wounded, and didn't notice that they were also stained with blood from them.

Now that Mr. Qi saw that Mu Yue and himself were full of blood, he could only smile helplessly. This time he could only lose this opportunity first, and look for opportunities later!

Seeing her like this, she should be living in the capital, just leave a contact information.

But Mu Yue didn't want to go back so soon, pretending to be very indifferent and said, "It's okay, I just bought clothes, I just need to take off my coat! There is nothing more than Chinese medicine. It's attractive!"

"Sister Yue, what you said is right, come, be good, go home with your brother, it's too dangerous here!" Mu Yutao still persuaded Mu Yue.

Mu Yue was ashamed, even if she was only the age before rebirth, she was even older than Mu Yuqing's age!

Now, Mu Yutao and the others treat him like a child who just came out of the kindergarten, which is really dumbfounding.

"Brother Yutao, it's okay!" Mu Yue pulled Lamu Yutao's sleeves and exclaimed coquettishly, "Brother Yutao, I haven't begged you very much, so please promise me this time, I just Sit for a while, have a cup of tea, and leave a contact method. Can you contact me again in the future?"

Hearing Mu Yue's words, Mu Yutao's hesitating heart couldn't refuse any more, so he nodded, "Okay!"

"Brother Yutao, you are the best!" Mu Yue glanced at Mu Yutao gratefully, "Old Qi, do I have the honor to go to your hospital first?"

When Mr. Qi heard Mu Yue's words, his face was full of joy, but he still said embarrassedly, "It's not good, you are all blood!"

"It's okay, the hospital I just borrowed first asked me to wash the blood on my hands!" Mu Yue shook his head and explained.

Elder Qi quickly led the way, and said concerned, "Okay, let's go here! Wash the blood on your body first!"

Mu Yue glanced at Xiao Junyan, blinked, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Xiao Junyan, who has been following Mu Yue all the time, knowing almost all her movements and thoughts, how could he not understand the meaning of her eyes?

If he doesn't even understand this, then he is not suitable for being with Mu Yue.

Xiao Junyan knew that it was Mu Yue who was planning to leave with a plan!

"Yue, since your brother and them are here, then I will go back first!"

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