Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1955: It's dangerous here, go home 5

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan turned into an uninhabited alley, Mu Yue took out his clothes directly from the space, and changed their blood-stained clothes.

"There is still room for convenience!" Mu Yue said with a sigh with a bright smile on her face.

Xiao Junyan nodded gently, and looked at Mu Yue tenderly, "Hmm!" But he still asked concerned, "Should I take a bath? Relax?"

Mu Yue thought for a while, and a bright smile appeared on her face, "Okay, change your clothes all over your body! You still have your clothes in my space, do you want to change it too?"

Xiao Junyan's eyes were a little deep, his eyes fell on Mu Yue's body, and he nodded gently, "Okay!"

However, Mu Yue turned his head, and didn't notice Xiao Junyan's eyes that had become somewhat deep.

The two found a hotel, first planned to go in and take a bath, relax, even though they had washed their hands and changed their coats, there was still a faint smell of blood.

Mu Yue took out the clothes that he could wear and chose a set for Xiao Junyan, "Senior Brother Xiao, then you should wash it first or I should wash it first?"

"You go first!" Xiao Junyan said with concern after seeing Mu Yue's coat again.

Although I changed the blood-stained clothes, there was still some smell, and it was more comfortable to wash first.

Mu Yue nodded, and went into the bathroom to take a bath first.

Standing by the bed, Xiao Junyan turned his head to look at the bathroom, his throat rolled subconsciously, and he swallowed, feeling a bit dry in his mouth, and a thin layer of sweat came out on his forehead, and his body was a little hot.

Xiao Junyan quickly turned around, picked up the mineral water on the table, opened Gudong Gudong and drank a whole bottle of mineral water into his stomach to relieve the situation a bit.

At this time, Mu Yue, who was taking a bath in the bathroom, didn't know what Xiao Junyan was doing outside, and was humming a little song to take a bath with joy.

At the same time, the five brothers of the Mu family who were in Fushengtang waited until Mu Yue came out, and finally found Qi Lao.

Old Qi glanced at them sympathetically, and handed them the note left by Mu Yue, "Miss Mu asked me to give it to you!"

Mu Yutao and the others hurriedly took the note that Qi Lao handed over and opened it to see the content inside. The five people told the truth instantly, and then there was a thunderbolt on the sunny day, splitting them to pieces.

"Brother Yutao, Brother Wenhao, Brother Yifeng, Brother Hongbo, Ziheng, sorry, I have other things to do, so I won't go back with you first, I will go back, don’t worry about me. , Bye! I'll go home for dinner tonight, see you at home!"

"Sister Yue! How can you abandon us!"

"You, you... Sister Yue, you dare to fool us!"


"Xiao Junyan, you bastard, I'm not at odds with you! I won't hand over sister Yue to you!"

Old Qi glanced at the five brothers, shook his head, turned around and left with his hands on his back, "Hey, his old man shouldn't be involved in this whirlpool, he'd better take a leisurely drink and read a book!"

However, at this time, Old Qi was still thinking about where he had heard the name Mu Yue. He always felt familiar, and he didn't know where he had heard it!

"I'm old, I'm old!" Qi Lao sighed with emotion, "memory is not as good as before, so I can't accept the old!"

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