Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1956: The atmosphere is a bit dangerous 1

Mu Yue took a bath and washed her head. She came out of the bathroom and saw Xiao Junyan sitting motionless on the bed, sitting upright.

"Puff!" Mu Yue couldn't help laughing. "Brother Xiao, what are you doing?"

Xiao Junyan turned his head and saw Mu Yue who had just walked out of the bathroom and Mu Yue who had just taken a shower, giving people a completely new feeling.

Especially the faint fragrance of shower gel exuding from Mu Yue's body made his heart tremble unconsciously.

"Okay!" Xiao Junyan's voice was a little hoarse.

Mu Yue nodded, walked to Xiao Junyan's side and sat down, tilted his head and looked at him. What's wrong with you?

"It's okay!" Xiao Junyan lowered his eyes slightly and stood up, "I'll blow your hair for you!"

Mu Yue smiled and declined, "No, you go take a bath first!"

However, Xiao Junyan still took the hair dryer out of the cabinet, plugged it in, and put a stool to the table, "Come here!"

Mu Yue could only helplessly get up, sat on the stool, raised her eyebrows and looked at Xiao Junyan in a little surprise, "You help me blow my hair?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded and turned on the hair dryer to help Mu Yue blow her hair.

Mu Yue leaned back on the chair happily, and asked Xiao Junyan to help her blow her hair, remembering the Mu brother who was thrown away by him, and couldn't help but smile, "Brother Xiao, you said, if you let Brother Yutao, they all know I played with them, what should I do? They will definitely divide me into five horses!"

"No, I will protect you!" Xiao Junyan immediately comforted her when he heard what Mu Yue said.

A small smile hung over Mu Yue's mouth, "Protect me? How do you protect me?"

Xiao Junyan comforted her spoiledly, just as he gently fiddled with Mu Yue's hair at this time, "I will send you back, they can find me!"

"What if they never let me out again in the future?" Mu Yue tilted her head curiously again, asked him, and gave him a problem.

"I will find a way!" Xiao Junyan's tone was full of firmness, and it was so imperative that no one could stop him from meeting Mu Yue, let alone prevent him from being together with Mu Yue.

Mu Yue stretched out his finger and pointed at Xiao Junyan with a somewhat threatening expression, "Next time you must have a date you want, otherwise, I will ignore you!"

Xiao Junyan nodded gently, "Okay, I think!"

"Then wait for a good shower, where are we going?" Mu Yue squinted her eyes and leaned back in the chair lazily, very comfortable.

However, she didn't know that Xiao Junyan lowered her head slightly in the gap between her hair blowing, just to see the slight scenery inside Mu Yue's loose collar.

Suddenly, the roots of Xiao Junyan's ears were red, and he didn't even know that he was a little hot even when he kept blowing the hot air at his fingers.

"Huh? Senior Brother Xiao, where are we going to wait?" Mu Yue didn't hear Xiao Junyan's response, opened his eyes somewhat puzzled, and looked at Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan quickly turned his head, not going to see Mu Yue, his expression a little flustered, "Where do you want to go, I will accompany you!"

Mu Yue saw Xiao Junyan's panic, but she didn't know why he panicked and was a little confused. What happened to Brother Xiao?

"Senior Brother Xiao, what's the matter with you?" Mu Yue still asked with concern.

Xiao Junyan shook his head, "It's nothing, I'll blow your hair for you!"

If Ye Tianming sees this situation and this scene, it is estimated that he will have to complain again.

Boss, are you still my boss? Why is it so useless! We men have to be brave, okay?

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