Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1980: Xiao Junyan's Arrival 1

Ye Tianming held Mu Yue's hand and walked back with her.

Mu Yue and Ye Tianming returned to the cave where the man had been living, and saw that the team members of those special departments were all lying on the ground. Some of them were sitting cross-legged and began to adjust their breaths and heal their injuries.

Mu Yue walked up to them, first helped them diagnose and heal their injuries, and treated those who fell on the ground first.

"Huh!" Mu Yue was busy for a long time before he treated everyone and sat on the side of the rock to rest.

Ye Tianming walked to Mu Yue's side, holding a bowl of clear water in his hand, "Drink some water first!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue took the water and drank it directly, "How is the situation?"

"There is no problem anymore. Just take a break after returning. Moreover, they also investigated. Sixty-four corpses were found around. Many of them were decomposed, but judging from their figures, they were all those missing. Child!" Ye Tianming sighed and told Mu Yue all his investigations.

Mu Yue looked up at Ye Tianming and asked, "The last child, isn't it?"

Ye Tianming nodded regretfully, "Well, indeed, he is also dead, and all his hard work has been taken away! It has been dead for a while!"

"It's still a step too late!" Mu Yue said with a sigh of red eyes.

Such a small life died because of that evil cultivation technique, which is really pitiful.

Ye Tianming patted Mu Yue on the shoulder and comforted her, "Don't be sad, this is not your fault, this is their calamity, you at least found them, and you can let them go home!"

Mu Yue nodded gently, "Let's go back after a break!"

"Okay!" Ye Tianming nodded, and looked at the sky, it was almost dark, "Let's take a break again, I'll tell you, and go back before dark as soon as possible!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded in agreement.

In this forest, although it is not dangerous to them, some things still need to be handled and reported first, otherwise, some people will be worried.

At the same time, someone is indeed worried.

Upon receipt of Xiao Junyan's order, the special department of Sichuan Province specially sent personnel to the village, approached the old village chief, and asked if their people had been there and where they are now.

The old village chief also didn't know where Mu Yue and the others had gone, but he also knew that they ran into the mountains, and he was not very clear about the specific situation.

Knowing that Mu Yue and the others ran into the mountain, they also felt a bit big on such a big mountain, they could only go out after a few laps outside the mountain, and then came out again and reported the things here to the top.

And approaching the evening, Xiao Junyan also rushed from Linshi to Mianzhou, Sichuan Province.

When they came to the village where Mu Yue and the others were located, the village chief heard that a big man had come and hurriedly came out to greet them.

Looking at the cold and stern man walking down the off-road vehicle, although he looks very enchanting and handsome, it gives people a feeling of fear, and makes people unconsciously surrender from the bottom of their hearts.

Xiao Junyan's dark and deep eyes glanced at the people in the village, walked to the head of the old village chief, and asked in a cold voice, "Where are people?"

"They all went to the mountain!" The old village chief didn't know why, but subconsciously thought of Mu Yue and the others who had entered the mountain, and replied.

Xiao Junyan frowned and glanced at the forest behind the village.

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