Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1981: Xiao Junyan's Arrival 2

Xiao Junyan was about to enter the mountain forest, but saw a group of people in the mountain forest slowly coming out of it.

Seeing those figures, Xiao Junyan was the first to rush over, he had already seen the shadows inside.

But Mu Yue and Ye Tianming didn't know that Xiao Junyan had already arrived, and they didn't know that Xiao Junyan was terrified for her.

"It's almost here, wait a minute, we must notify my father as soon as possible to find the whereabouts of that person!" Mu Yue reminded Ye Tianming.

"I know, don't worry, don't worry about this, you should heal your injuries first!" Ye Tianming nodded, holding Mu Yue's hand, and leading her to walk on this difficult mountain road.

However, before taking a few steps, a gust of wind blew by, and Ye Tianming subconsciously raised his head to warn, and he saw a familiar face approaching them at high speed.

Seeing the person coming, Ye Tianming was taken aback subconsciously, and then a look of joy appeared on his face.

Alchemist, before Ye Tianming was happy for a while, his body just fell back and sat on the ground. Mu Yue, who was supporting himself, was already in someone's arms and was tightly held by him. .

Ye Tianming looked at his appearance, and then touched his nose speechlessly. The boss is really innocent of the opposite sex!

Mu Yue was suddenly hugged by Xiao Junyan, and she didn't react for a while. She blinked her eyes, asked about the familiar taste, the familiar embrace, and looked up at the chin that showed only a beautiful arc to herself.

"Brother Xiao?" Mu Yue murmured subconsciously.

Xiao Junyan groaned in his nose, but he held her tightly in his arms, sniffing the smell of her body deeply.

Hearing her call, "Brother Xiao", Xiao Junyan's whole heart was truly down, but what followed was a burst of distress.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Xiao Junyan lowered his head, looking guiltily at Mu Yue, who was blinking a pair of confused and curious eyes in his arms.

Mu Yue looked at Xiao Junyan in surprise and puzzled. "Senior Brother Xiao, why are you here? Why are you so fast?"

She also knew that her jade bracelet was broken, and she might let Xiao Junyan know, but she didn't expect that he came so fast.

Moreover, it seems that no matter how fast the plane is, it is not so fast! From the airport to here, the time in between is not only a few hours.

"You are in danger!" Xiao Junyan replied dullly, watching Mu Yue's eyes filled with accusations and distress, as well as anxiety.

Mu Yue smiled wryly, she knew that she was worrying him, "It's okay, isn't it good for me? Brother Xiao, don't worry!"

"Yeah!" Xiao Junyan nodded and lowered his head again, as if to check Mu Yue's injuries, but he saw that there was still a little blood on the corner of her mouth.

Raising his hand, his thumb wiped the blood stains, his eyes became deeper, "Injured?"

"No... It's just a little hurt!" Mu Yue wanted to say no, but when confronted with Xiao Junyan's deep black eyes, someone could only raise the white flag obediently and admitted his injury.

Hearing that Mu Yue was injured, she felt terribly distressed, so she hurriedly lifted Mu Yue upside down, "Go to the hospital!"

"Senior Brother Xiao, don't, I'm not that serious, I just need to take a good rest!" Mu Yue hugged Xiao Junyan's neck and called out.

Xiao Junyan ignored Mu Yue's explanation, holding her, and walking down the mountain, Ye Tianming, who was behind, kept rolling his eyes.

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