Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1984: The second secret confession 1

Mu Yue found out that there was no major problem, but she also needed to rest for a while.

After staying in the hospital for one night, I woke up the next morning and saw Xiao Junyan lying next to him, who was only sleeping on a corner, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Mu Yue grabbed a strand of her long hair, trying to tease Xiao Junyan with the tail of her hair.

However, before the hair reached Xiao Junyan's nose, Xiao Junyan opened his eyes, and Mu Yue was so scared that Mu Yue quickly threw away his hair, with a sly smile on his face.

Xiao Junyan glanced at Mu Yue's behavior, and there was a dozing smile in his eyes.

Mu Yue smiled wryly again, and waved his little hand at Xiao Junyan, "Hi, Brother Xiao, good morning!"

After Xiao Junyan helped Mu Yue tuck the quilt, he sat up and said, "Go to bed again, I'll buy breakfast!"

Mu Yue grabbed the edge of the quilt, covered half of his face, only revealed a pair of clear eyes, smiled and nodded, "Hmm!"

At night, Xiao Junyan slept very honestly, slept on the side of the bed, without moving.

Xiao Junyan's decency is also the reason why Mu Yue likes him. If someone else had been restless, she would have given her to the Fa-rectification.

Watching Xiao Junyan leave silently, Mu Yue couldn't help but laughed.

But this time, when Xiao Junyan came back from buying breakfast, he brought not only breakfast, but also Ye Tianming, a follower.

Ye Tianming walked into the ward, held out his head from behind Xiao Junyan, smiled and beckoned to Mu Yue, "Hi, little sister, how is it?"

Mu Yue smiled and sat up, "Senior Brother Xiao, why did you bring him?"

Xiao Junyan put the table on the bedside table on the hospital bed, and set the breakfast one by one, "I'm not in good health, eat something light!"

"Good!" Mu Yue nodded with a smile.

Xiao Junyan glanced at Ye Tianming behind him, and said faintly, "Apologize with you and accept punishment!"

Ye Tianming originally heard that he wanted to make amends with Mu Yue, but he smiled awkwardly, but when he heard that he was going to be punished, his face suddenly became dark and he couldn't laugh.

"Boss, don't!" Ye Tianming grasped Xiao Junyan's clothes corners with both hands, following Mu Yue, showing aggrieved tears.

Looking at Ye Tianming's appearance, Mu Yue couldn't help but shiver, only to feel a chill, "Why do you follow me!"

Ye Tianming explained it for granted, "The boss eats you very much!"

"That's me, not you. If you learn from me, you have to be disgusted by your boss!" Mu Yue snorted, stared at Ye Tianming, and said triumphantly.

Sure enough, Ye Tianming received Xiao Junyan's expressions of disgust and dissatisfaction, and even dared to learn from Mu Yue, and the punishment would be doubled.

Ye Tianming immediately let go of his hands and surrendered, "Boss, I was wrong, don't look at me like this, I will panic!"

"Humph!" Xiao Junyan snorted coldly, "Go home ten times!"

"God, don't!" Ye Tianming heard this, and immediately hugged his head with his hands, "Boss, you want my life!"

Xiao Junyan's voice became even colder, "Even the individual is not well protected! Fifteen times more!"

Ye Tianming only felt aggrieved and depressed, and turned his head to look at Mu Yue for help.

Mu Yue smiled triumphantly, revealing a row of white teeth, "If you cause trouble, solve it yourself!"

"You... well, very good, don't let me catch your handle and complain to the boss!" Ye Tianming gritted his teeth and threatened Mu Yue viciously.

Mu Yue shrugged, and no matter what he caught, Senior Brother Xiao would never punish her.

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