Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1985: The second secret confession 2

Mu Yue finished his breakfast, sat cross-legged on the bed, and asked Ye Tianming concerned, "Are all the children sent back?"

Ye Tianming nodded and said regretfully, "All have been sent back. For those who are rotten and can't see their appearance, we will also ask the police to notify their relatives and prepare to do DNA staunchness and let them bring their children back!"

Those children can no longer be determined by their appearance, only through this method, which is a very shocking thing for the relatives of those children.

However, there is no alternative to this, and they can only accept this reality.

"Yeah!" Mu Yue sighed softly, "It's a pity that we are still late, and we haven't been able to save those children!"

"Yeah!" Ye Tianming said with a sigh, "The village also had funerals because of the two children's affairs!"

Mu Yue said guiltily, "I hope they won't blame me! If I realized that this kid was missing something is not easy, it was done by evil cultivation, the last kid would not be killed!"

"It's not to blame you, who could have thought of it!" Ye Tianming comforted Mu Yue, "The most important thing now is to catch the evil cultivator and bring it to justice!"

"Yeah!" Mu Yue nodded, "After this incident is over, report the families of the victims to me, and I intend to give them some help!"

"You're still the best junior sister!" Ye Tianming said in praise, giving Mu Yue a thumbs up.

"Since I have made money, I have to give it back to everyone! Otherwise, I won't be suitable for Mu's family!" Mu Yue smiled slightly, and then asked Ye Tianming with concern, "Is there any trace of that evil cultivation?"

Ye Tianming shook his head, "This incident has attracted the attention of the special department. They have sent someone to look for it. However, this mountain is too big and we don't know him well, so there is no news yet. !"

Mu Yue nodded lightly, frowned, and said, "Then let me calculate his whereabouts!"

"Your body is not suitable yet!" Xiao Junyan pressed Mu Yue's hand and said with concern.

But Mu Yue turned his head and looked at Xiao Junyan seriously, "Those children were killed by him, so many children died before they really saw the outside world. I am not reconciled. I want to help them take revenge. !"

Looking at Mu Yue's firm eyes, Xiao Junyan opened his mouth. He, who was the stupidest in the first place, couldn't object, and silently took his hand back.

Mu Yue took out the copper coin and glanced at Ye Tianming, "You go out!"

Ye Tianming touched his nose and pointed at Xiao Junyan, "What about the boss?"

"My man, can you control it?" Mu Yue raised an eyebrow and said provocatively to Ye Tianming.

Ye Tianming opened his mouth, only feeling that his mouth was fed with dog food, and he couldn't say a word.

This pair, guys, turned out to be really disgusting, always showing affection in front of him, so he couldn't stand it!

In the end he could only lower his head and leave the room obediently.

But when Xiao Junyan heard Mu Yue's words, especially the name, "My man" made him feel excited.

Ye Tianming left, closed the door of the room, and sighed silently outside, "Oh, pitiful!"

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue who was sitting on the bed with hot eyes, "Your man?"

When Mu Yue heard Xiao Junyan's words, he suddenly turned into a blush and never blushed. He glared at Xiao Junyan irritably, "If you know that you still ask so many questions, don't disturb me!"

"Okay!" Xiao Junyan nodded, the corners of his lips rose slightly, feeling sweet in his heart.

She is a man, this is a very good name.

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