Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1986: The second secret confession 3

Mu Yue took a deep breath, turned his head to look at Xiao Junyan, and pursed his lips. Since Ye Tianming has been driven out, he should tell him the power of his eyes with Xiao Junyan.

Although she also knew that some secrets were best known for herself, sometimes, this kind of secrets would be known to Xiao Junyan, and it would be good for him.

"Brother Xiao, I want to tell you one thing!" Mu Yue approached Xiao Junyan and whispered in his ear.

Xiao Junyan looked at Mu Yue puzzledly, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Mu Yue thought for a while, pointed to her eyes, and said softly, "Before I became a master, my eyes had a special power, which is to be able to see people's body structure and their illness. Able to predict some things, and use the eyes to combine the divination, and fortune telling where the person is!"

Xiao Junyan listened to Mu Yue as he counted the functions of his eyes. There was no surprise on the cold and handsome face. Some were worried, and his brows frowned slightly.

"Who else are you telling about this matter?" Xiao Junyan asked her with a cold voice.

Mu Yue shook his head, "No, you are the only one, the same as the space! Even my dad doesn't even know about it!"

"This matter, you can't let the third person know!" Xiao Junyan tightly held Mu Yue's delicate hand, reminding him.

Mu Yue nodded gently, with a bright smile on her face, "I know, so, I only tell you, my secret, no one else knows!"

Listening to Mu Yue's heart-to-heart words like this, Xiao Junyan only felt a warm current flowing throughout his body.

Mu Yue only told him these secrets, not even her father knew.

"Yue!" Xiao Junyan raised his hand, his warm palm pressed against Mu Yue's cheek, and his eyes were filled with deep emotion and love. "How can I love you well after you let me? One day, if you don’t want me anymore, I...think, I will definitely not be able to survive in this world!"

Mu Yue stretched out his hand to cover Xiao Junyan’s mouth, “Who said I don’t want you? The most impossible thing for me is to not want you. I, Mu Yue, will belong to you for the rest of my life. I snatched you from your side, let alone someone snatched you from me!"

Xiao Junyan grabbed Mu Yue's little hand in front of him, and kissed gently, "You said, now you don't want what I have now, but I also want you to know that some of what I have now, as long as If you want it one day, I will give it to you!"

"Okay!" Mu Yue nodded, with a bright smile on her face, and she looked at Xiao Junyan with some expectation.

Xiao Junyan shook Mu Yue's slender hand tightly and said, "It's just that some identities are very dark and bad for you. Would you...would you like me?"

"Why not? I like you as a person, not your identities. I don't care what those identities are to you, but in my heart, you are the best!" Mu Yue comforted Xiao Junyan, "No matter how dark the identity is, you are in my heart, you are my sun and sunshine, you are my light, and it is you. Let me know that there is still a kind of love in this world, called giving. You have paid so much for me, and I will use my whole heart to reward you!"

Mu Yue put his hand against his heart, and then against Xiao Junyan's heart, connecting the two hearts together.

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