Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1998: Mutsumi Kairin City 4

Mu Yue handled the company's affairs and came to the study and everyone round on Monday morning.

"Mu Yue, you little conscientious, you are only coming back now!" When Mu Zhitong saw Mu Yue, she pointed to her nose and complained in dissatisfaction.

An Ziyun nodded in agreement, and the tone of speaking to Mu Yue was full of endless accusations, "That's right, you said, how long have you not been back to school, it's been half a month!"

Mu Yue touched his nose slyly, "Didn't I come back? Besides, I have to go back to the capital for tomb-sweeping and see a doctor on Ching Ming Festival. I can't help it, so it's too late to come back. !"

She naturally wouldn't tell everyone about herself and the evil cultivator, otherwise, everyone would have to worry, or she wanted to tell her how to deal with that evil cultivator.

"But you left us for so long!" Mu Zhitong immediately settled the balance, reminding Mu Yue.

Ouyang Mengxi also nodded, looking forward to caring Mu Yue and said, "Yes, everyone misses you very much, I hope you can come back soon and go to school with us!"

Mu Yue smiled, clapped her hands and said, "Then, this Saturday, go to my medicinal restaurant. Of course, I personally cook, how about it? Isn't that okay?"

"Well!" An Ziyun stirred her hair, "Is it just a meal?"

"I can squeeze time out, it's already very good, my new medicinal planting base is about to be built, there is really not much time!" Mu Yue showed a pitiful expression, blinked and looked at An Ziyun and them.

Ouyang Mengxi nodded in understanding Mu Yue, and directly agreed, "One meal is fine, no need to do more!"

"Change so fast!" Mu Zhitong glared at Ouyang Mengxi, but she also knew that Mu Yue was busy, "Okay, okay, that's it for once! You will apologize for us!"

Mu Yue smiled slightly, "Thank you!"

"In other words, your speed is really fast, and you are going to start a company again! What Chinese medicinal material planting base!" Qiao Mobai scratched his head with some incomprehension, and said.

Xiang Tianhe explained to Mu Yue, "Mu Yue's company is all related to Chinese medicinal materials. If I have a Chinese medicinal material planting base, the cost can be reduced a lot, and the quality can be checked!"

After all, he is also studying Chinese medicine, so Xiang Tianhe still knows these things very well, and he understands Mu Yue even more.

Mu Yue nodded, "Well, I planned to do the same. This is just my first step. I will try this Chinese medicinal planting base first. If it can be built well, I will continue to open the second one. Three planting bases. In this way, the products and Chinese medicinal materials produced by our company can be directly provided by themselves, which solves some of the troubles of the suppliers!"

"Indeed, you really have to pay more attention!" As Yuan Xiao, who is also in the business world, he naturally made his subordinates always pay attention to the affairs of Longteng Group's companies and counterfeit drugs. He is also more aware of the matter.

Therefore, for Mu Yue's construction of a Chinese medicinal material planting base and future development, he felt that it was a very wise decision and a good future for development.

"Well, I know, I will pay more attention in the future!" Mu Yue nodded with a smile, and gave Yuan Xiao a mutual understanding smile.

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