Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1999: Retaliation plan begins 1

Mu Yue was in school, and on the other hand, Qin Shaoyang had already started to arrange how to calculate Gao Wenlong and Qi Rui.

Mu Yue kept the problematic medicinal materials, and this time, it happened to come in handy.

At present, the controversy of investigating fake medicines has not really dissipated, and there is still some limelight. Therefore, the medicinal materials of Gao Wenlong's company may also be genuine medicines.

If she wants to frame him, she will need to replace those fake medicinal materials so that she can get people to investigate Gao Wenlong's company.

Judging from the information, Mu Yue also knows that the products that are now produced are all genuine and genuine, and the medicinal materials are all real, and they are all top-quality.

Just before the fake medicine came out, Gao Wenlong had already made preparations and exchanged all those medicines.

Therefore, if others want to investigate something, there is really no way.

The intelligence department of Mu Yue's Dragon Shield Security Company directly cracked the surveillance of Gao Wenlong Company and monitored their situation.

Especially in the medicinal material warehouse of his company, several monitors are installed to facilitate their monitoring and understanding.

After a week of preparations and arrangements, I was waiting for Mu Yue to give an order to act.

Mu Yue went to school for a week and made up for the missing courses during this period. After school on Friday, she had to go to the company again to find out the specific situation.

Everything was ready. On Saturday, Mu Yue came to the medicated food restaurant. In the box, it was not only her, but also Duan Tianyu.

"Sister Mu Yue, what are you looking for with me?" Duan Tianyu looked at Mu Yue with a grin, a little pleased.

This girl really couldn't underestimate it more and more, and she became more and more capable.

Mu Yue picked up the teacup in front of him, took a sip, and said, "That's it, I plan to do something with Qi Rui. I want you to send someone to investigate the products produced by Gao Wenlong's health care products company and their medicinal materials! "

"Trouble with Qi Rui? My favorite thing to do, but you are looking for Gao Wenlong's health care products company?" Duan Tianyu was a little startled when he heard this, "What are you doing?"

Mu Yue thought for a while, and said, “Part of Gao Wenlong’s profit is given to the Qi family. I have some information here. The Qi family also owns the company’s shares, but I don’t have much real evidence. , Can pull Qi Changdong off!"

"Oh!" Duan Tianyu immediately understood, "What you mean is that you intend to pass Gao Wenlong to drag Qi Rui and Qi Changdong father and son into the water. Even if they can't be sent directly to prison, they must be covered in mud. Even jumping into the Yellow River can't clean it!"

"What I want is to let them go to jail, not just to get a little trouble!" Mu Yue said coldly with a flash of cold light in his eyes.

Duan Tianyu looked at the chill on Mu Yue's face, couldn't help but shiver, and moved the stool to Mu Yue's side, "What are you going to do? Why don't you find someone from your Mu's family?"

"Don't worry, my second uncle will wait until things happen here, and plan to have a national event!" Mu Yue's mouth raised slightly, revealing a confident calculating smile.

"This..." Duan Tianyu was instantly dumb when he heard the words, well, he was just a pioneer, "Okay, yes, just leave this to me, what do you want me to do?"

"Go to your person first, check with Gao Wenlong's company first, and report the problem after you check it out. Even if your task is completed, you don't need to take care of the others, just leave it to me!"

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