Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2002: Big change in space 1

Mu Haiye sighed deeply, and said helplessly, "Yes, we suspect that Hua Fengjun might have some contact with the Nangong family back then. It was she who told the news about your parents to the Nangong family, so they did it. It will be ahead of us...Oh, let's not talk about this matter. Let's talk about it when you are older!"

Mu Yue's eyes fluttered, "Well, I see, San Bo, you should go back and rest first, it's late!"

"Well, you go back to wash and sleep too!" Mu Haiye also nodded, yawned, and went back to his room to rest.

Mu Yue returned to her room, took a shower, did not lie down to rest, but entered her own air.

Since the breakthrough of his cultivation base, tremendous changes have also taken place in this dimension.

Standing on the ground in the space, Mu Yue could feel that the air in the space was different from before.

The only thing that made Mu Yue dissatisfied was that there could be no other people in this space, no living person could do it, and he could not get in.

Mu Yue picked all the tea leaves planted in the field. This is a big project. You can pick some of them every day and put them aside.

These tea leaves, even if they are kept in this space for a few days, are just as green as they were just picked, and mixed with a faint fragrance.

Seeing several sacks of tea that had been collected over the past few days, Mu Yue's mouth showed a bright smile.

Mu Yue went to look at the brewed medicinal wine and tasted the taste, "Well, the taste is purer than before, and the feeling after drinking it is clearer!"

The changes in the space have driven everything in this space to become more spiritual.

When Mu Yue came to the edge of the field where the cultivation base had increased, she looked at some fruits planted in it, and she showed a bright smile on her face.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that there could be fruit growing here. This grape is really good and sweet!" Mu Yue took a grape and ate it directly.

This was also discovered by Mu Yue accidentally. She accidentally spit a grape seed into the field. Then, the next day, she found that the grape seed had sprouted and took root, and it had grown a lot. Then, Mu Yue I quickly left only a small piece to set up the shelf for the grapes. Now they are getting more and more luxuriant. The bunches of grapes are so purple that people can't help the saliva in their mouths and keep swallowing.

If you want to eat grapes, you usually have to wait until the summer vacation. What you can eat now is not as sweet as you could eat at that time, the taste is not very good, and the price is very expensive.

The grapes grown in this space are really more delicious than the grapes bought in season.

"Well, there are already a lot here. Take some out tomorrow for everyone to eat! And the watermelons and peaches here, you can take them for everyone!" Mu Yue picked some watermelons and peaches, and they all placed them against them. Inside a bag.

In the past, there were not enough places. After planting tea trees and planting some medicinal materials such as ginseng, Zhejiang has no place to grow fruits.

Now Mu Yue took advantage of the increase in space and created this orchard again. If he wants to eat fruit in the future, he can take it directly here.

It's healthier and more delicious than the fruit outside.

"Hey, this space is really good. It just can't bring people in. If you can bring people in, you can sit and chat with Brother Xiao under the tree!" Mu Yue held a watermelon, looked up at the sky slightly, and muttered in her mouth. Looking forward to.

Because last time I went to Sichuan Province temporarily, Xiao Junyan still had a lot to do, and he had to make up for this weekend, which made Mu Yue still miss it.

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