Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2003: Big change in space 2

On Sunday, Mu Yue had a good meeting in the company, took the time, and went to the military area to inspect the pharmaceutical factory that Longxiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. supplies exclusively to the military area. He also went to see Lao Zhao and Xiao Junyan. The most important thing was Xiao Junyan.

Xiao Junyan heard that Mu Yue was coming, put down his work, and Zhao Lao stepped out of the office building to pick up Mu Yue.

As soon as Mr. Zhao saw Xiao Junyan, he gave an angry look, "What are you doing here, aren't you busy? Go and go!"

Xiao Junyan ignored Zhao Lao, looking into the distance with his eyes, watching the car coming in the distance.

When Mr. Zhao saw Xiao Junyan ignoring him again, he almost jumped his feet with anger. This stinky boy is really getting unpleasant.

"Chuck..." The car stopped in front of Lao Zhao and Xiao Junyan, and Li Tao got out of the driver's seat.

Mu Yue also got down from the back seat and walked in front of Zhao Lao and Xiao Junyan with a smile, "Lao Zhao! Senior Brother Xiao!"

"Girl, you are finally here, I want to die of my old man!" Old Zhao's face was narrowed, all with a bright smile.

Mu Yue also laughed, "Lao Zhao, do you want to be with me, or do you want my medicinal wine?"

"Haha, I think about it!" Zhao Lao smiled cheeky.

"I brought you a box of medicinal liquor, enough for you to drink. I will let me send the medicinal liquor to your office?" Mu Yue said to Old Zhao with a smile.

Old Zhao nodded in satisfaction, "Good, good, good!"

Li Tao picked up the medicinal liquor from the connection, and asked Lao Zhao, "Lao Zhao, do you want to move now?"

"Move!" Zhao Lao's sight was immediately shifted, and he waved at Mu Yue, "Girl, then I won't accompany you, I'll go to the microphone first!"

With the medicinal liquor, how could Elder Zhao control who Mu Yue was with, so he went to his office first.

"Okay!" Mu Yue nodded with a smile, and didn't stop Mr. Zhao. She wanted to relive the past with Senior Brother Xiao!

Mu Yue escorted Elder Zhao away, and walked to Xiao Junyan's face, a blush appeared on his cheeks, "Brother Xiao!"

Xiao Junyan took off his coat and put it on her, "Go to my office!"

Mu Yue looked at her military jacket helplessly, "I'm not cold, summer is coming soon!"

"It's okay!" Xiao Junyan still hugged Mu Yue's shoulders, walking towards his office under the gaze of the dumbfounded generals.

Xiao Junyan brought Mu Yue to his office, closed the door, and turned around, "Why are you here?"

"I came to see you specially, why? Don't you like it?" Mu Yue stared at Xiao Junyan with smiled eyes.

Xiao Junyan shook his head, stepped forward, and hugged Mu Yue in his arms, "I like it!"

Mu Yue smiled softly, and pushed Xiao Junyan, "I brought you fruit. This is what I planted in the space. The taste is delicious!"

Xiao Junyan watched Mu Yue put the bags of fruit on the table, a touch of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Are you surprised?" Mu Yue turned his head, smiled at Xiao Junyan, and asked.

Xiao Junyan nodded gently, "In your space, can you grow fruits of different seasons?"

"Yeah, I also find it strange. My space is full of spring all year round, but the fruits that grow out can be found in every season, regardless of time, and they are especially delicious!" Mu Yue Nodded and said triumphantly.

Xiao Junyan looked at the fruit on the table, and looked up at Mu Yue, "You still can't tell others about space matters! Don't let others know!"

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