Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2018: Qi Changdong is bothersome 1

Mu Yue received news from Ye Tianming that Gao Wenlong had already obtained all the evidence of Qi Changdong's crimes.

However, Qi Changdong has no other major issues, just the issue of property.

These can only double-regulate Qi Changdong, allowing him to stay in jail for a few years, which is still somewhat dissatisfying to Mu Yue and the others.

However, they have already done this, and they can only do this, as long as Qi Changdong can be pulled down.

The evidence here has been prepared, and Mu Yue also informed Mu Haihua that he began to exert efforts to rectify the market for medicinal materials.

With the knife ready, Mu Yue also let people frame Gao Wenlong's previous design that he was unwilling to do business with. They were calculated to bankrupt the company, and even the destruction of the family was publicized through the newspaper.

In an instant, it caused panic and anger among the people.

Feelings, those things in the past, the companies that were sued by them for selling counterfeit drugs, are actually good companies, and all they do are real drugs.

However, Gao Wenlong used this to frame them for his own benefit, bankrupt their company, and even some people died, their families broke up and people died.

Piece by piece of evidence made all the people angry and wanted to fight against Gao Wenlong.

"Damn, it's true!"

"In the past, those counterfeit drug companies were actually good companies. This Gao Wenlong deliberately framed them!"

"Tsk tusk tusk! This is really, how many sins this Gao Wenlong has done!"

"This Gao Wenlong is really disgusting, how can he do such a thing!"

"Damn, this guy is in the name of a senior official Qi, and he is pretending to be a tiger!"

"I don't think this senior official Qi is a good bird. Maybe he also got involved in this matter!"

"Who said no! This thing must be done, up and down must be managed, how can it be done without ventilation?"

The news from the outside is the same every day, the news is every day, and they are all the best news.

It's rare that the newspapers and magazines bought by any newspaper in the past few days are all very popular, just to see the development of the situation in the future.

Also, what big news will come out in this newspaper.

Qi Changdong looked at the newspaper in his hand, facing the newspapers that had come down these days, his heart was cold.

He knew that Mu Yue wanted to retaliate against Gao Wenlong, and that all of the charges would put Gao Wenlong to death.

This was Mu Yue's revenge, either he didn't make a move, and once he made a move, it was a thunderbolt, so that Gao Wenlong never got over.

He had really underestimated Mu Yue's ability in the past. The coming was so fierce that he couldn't intervene, and now he has even started to intervene. If he dares to intervene, it is estimated that he will have to be beaten by this big wave.

At this moment, Qi Changdong could only stay in his office, walking around with his hands on his stomach and back to decide what to do next.

There is still a decision in his heart, that is to report to the above, let the above to give him an instruction.

However, if he encounters such a thing, he will look to the top, then in the future, he will be a person with no opinion and ability in the eyes of the top.

In this case, he might just abandon him directly. After all, he has indeed gained the upper hand when dealing with Mu Yue. If they need to take action, it is hard to say.

"Hey!" Qi Changdong sighed deeply, sat on the sofa in his office, took out a cigarette and lit it, thinking.

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