Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2019: Qi Changdong is bothersome 2

Here Qi Changdong is worried again, but Mu Yue has been in school for more than a week.

Because of the Labor Day on May 1st, there are still seven days off. The 27th and 28th weekends in April are all classes, and the holidays are not until the 30th.

This week, Xiao Junyan finally had another chance to pick up Mu Yue, and this time she came to pick Mu Yue home.

When Mu Yue walked out of the gate of the school, she saw Xiao Junyan standing on the side of the gate of the school.

It was not that Mu Yue knew, but Xiao Junyan's eyes were too strong, Mu Yue looked at him subconsciously and saw him.

Seeing Xiao Junyan, Mu Yue's mouth showed a smile, but Mu Yifeng snorted coldly. It was this fellow again!

Mu Yue smiled and walked over, "Senior Brother Xiao, don't you need to work overtime this week?"

"Well, it's already made up!" Xiao Junyan nodded gently, and helped Mu Yue take off the schoolbag, carrying it by herself, "Is it tired?"

Mu Yue was a little amused, and shook her head, "It's not tired, but you. I have been busy with the military area affairs for this period of time. You should be very tired. Have you eaten the fruit I gave you?"

"Well, it's delicious!" Xiao Junyan nodded and looked at Mu Yue tenderly.

Mu Zhitong walked over and smiled and stabbed Mu Yue's arm with his arm, "Your Senior Brother Xiao came to pick you up, we won't go back with you!"

"Really considerate, if I had such a considerate man, that would be fine!" An Ziyun lowered her head and looked at the schoolbag in Xiao Junyan's hand with envy for a while.

They all saw it, Xiao Junyan's first move was to take the schoolbag that Mu Yue carried on his shoulder.

What does this mean? This represented how much Xiao Junyan cared about Mu Yue, for fear that she would be tired and would not even let her carry a schoolbag.

Although this is only a trivial action, sometimes it is necessary to prove how high and important a woman is in a man's heart through such a move.

Therefore, at this time, An Ziyun and the others would be so envious of Mu Yue, and even lament that Xiao Junyan is a good man, but it is a pity that they have been snatched away by Mu Yue, they don't think about it.

Mu Yifeng curled his lips. Although this kind of thing is often seen and it is no surprise, he is still very satisfied with Xiao Junyan's behavior. At least, he really likes his cousin!

At this moment, Mu Yifeng still said with some horror, "Don't stand here anymore, let's go home quickly, stand again, you won't be able to leave!"

"Well, let's go home first! Then let's go first!" Mu Yue waved his hands to his friends, and sat down with Mu Yifeng on Xiao Junyan to go home.

Watching Mu Yue leave, Yan Yu put one hand on Wu Hongjun's shoulder and sighed deeply, "Hey, what a good man!"

Wu Hongjun moved Yan Yu away, turned around, and left a sentence before leaving, "You can follow him too!"

Yan Yu touched his nose, a little embarrassed, and hurriedly chased him up, "I'm just talking casually, why? I'm in a bad mood? Don't, let's be magnanimous, understand? magnanimous!"

Wu Hongjun glanced at Yan Yu, ignored him, and walked home silently with his schoolbag on his back.

At this time, Mu Yue, who was sitting in the car, glanced at Mu Yifeng, who was almost lying on the back seat, then turned to look at Xiao Junyan, "Is May Day holiday?"

"En, let go!" Xiao Junyan nodded.

"Then come back to the capital with us!" Mu Yue smiled slightly.

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