Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2020: Qi Changdong is bothersome 3

Xiao Junyan ate at Mu's house as always, and the third aunt treated him as if she was really treating her niece and son-in-law.

Mu Haiye snorted coldly, ignored this guy, turned his head and smiled and said to Mu Yue, "Xiao Yue, now there are people on the top, ready to conduct a special investigation on this matter, and plan to continue this matter. , In order to behave like you!"

Mu Yue nodded, "Isn't that just right? Also, it's time to push Qi Changdong out!"

Mu Haiye burst into laughter immediately, very excited, "Hahaha, I guess, by then, both the Hua family and the Gan family will have to spit out old blood!"

"Could it be that Qi Changdong wouldn't find them?" Mu Yifeng asked Mu Haiye without answering.

However, Mu Yue laughed and asked Mu Yifeng, "If it were you and you got into trouble outside, would you find your parents when you haven't been able to cope with it completely?"

Mu Yifeng thought for a while and shook his head, "Of course not, I'm not a fool, am I incapable, of course... Oh, that's the case!"

Mu Yue smiled and nodded, and explained, “If it’s someone else, it might be possible to find it, but don’t forget who Qi Changdong is. He is a high-ranking official in Jiangnan Province and the third in command. He can be in this position. He still has the ability, so he naturally knows that if he asks for help from above, he will definitely be regarded by the above as an incompetent person! And his future prospects are very dim. If he wants to go further in the future, it will be very difficult. It's difficult!"

"But, if he doesn't do anything now, then he won't worry that he will really have something to do?" Mu Yifeng asked Mu Yue without answering.

Mu Haiye directly used the chopsticks in her hand to give Mu Yifeng a violent chestnut, "Idiot, you can't learn from your sister Yue, use your brain? We are only targeting Gao Wenlong. Qi Changdong was not involved, and he also sent a message to Gao Wenlong before, let him say everything and bear it, and the current situation is similar to what he expected. He thought that we did not target him, so we will watch the fire from the side!"

Mu Yifeng touched his head, very depressed, but he was very innocent. He just didn't think so much, why hit him!

"I... of course I also know, but... I just haven't reacted yet!" Mu Yifeng said with a bit of force.

Mu Haiye glared at Mu Yifeng angeredly, "I know I'm playing tricks!"

Mu Yifeng shrank his neck and turned to look at Mu Yue, "Then, are you targeting Qi Changdong now?"

"Haha, yes, but we have to wait until the people above come down before we can start to give them the evidence of Qi Changdong, let them arrest Qi Changdong first, and kill him by surprise. In this way, Gan Jia and Hua The family couldn’t intervene for a while. When they were considering how to intervene, we rushed to conceal Qi Changdong’s criminal certificate. Then, even if the Gan family and the Hua family wanted to save it. Now!" Mu Yue said with a confident smile.

Mu Yifeng gave Mu Yue a thumbs up and said complimentingly, "Sister Yue, you are so amazing. Although you grew up outside, you are still very good in the face of the situation!"

"So you are stupid. You have been at home for so many years, and you don't know how to do it at all!" Mu Haiye glared at Mu Yifeng and praised Mu Yue, "You can have half of Xiaoyue's, I just Satisfied!"

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