Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2021: Darkness Chen warehouse 1

After resting at home for one night, Mu Yue and others went to the capital together on the first day of May Day.

When Mu Yue went home, all the children of Mu's family came to Mu's family.

During the day, the uncles, except for the third uncle Mu Haiye, had to go to work, even Mu Yue's father had to go to work.

It was Mu Yutao who came to pick up Mu Yue, who took Mu Yue and them home, and they were only together at night.

In the evening, Mu Haihua was the last one to go home, and immediately had dinner with everyone when he came back.

After dinner, Mu Yutao and the three generations of males were all watching TV below, and Mu Yue and Mu Haihua went to Mr. Mu's room.

Mu Yue sat beside the old man, with a bright and proud smile on his face, patted the back of Mu Yue's hand, "You child, you are really getting more and more capable!"

"Well, it wasn't a few uncles who helped me. I wouldn't plan to be so successful without the help of my second uncle!" Mu Yue said modestly with a smile.

Mu Haihua laughed haha, "I just moved my lips. You designed all these plans. I ask you that you are the hero of this family!"

Mu Yue smiled, and touched her nose slyly, "It's not all my credit, everyone has it!"

Everyone in the Mu family laughed, but they all looked at Mu Yue tacitly. Most of the credit for all this was hers, and no one could take it away.

"You don't have to shirk, this credit is no better than you, it's good to be so humble!" Mu Haiwei said with a smile.

Mu Yue shrugged his shoulders, without reluctance, turned his head to look at Mu Haihua, "Second Uncle, you have done it here, will you let the people of Gan Jiahua's family realize that we are going to do it against Jiangnan Province?"

"Perception must have been sensed, but they must feel that Qi Changdong can handle this matter!" Mu Haihua nodded, but still smiled and comforted Mu Yue.

Mu Yue nodded slightly, and said in agreement, "Yes, I also think that the family and the Hua family must think that Qi Changdong will not have any problems, but there is a useless relative. I would not think that we are targeting Qi Changdong!"

"Moreover, who is Qi Changdong is the third in command in Jiangnan Province. I think they will definitely think that Qi Changdong still has the ability to handle this matter!" Mu Haixu gloated.

This is what they have given to Qi Changdong. After all, that is also the third in command, is still a standing official, and is also a high-ranking official, not an ordinary city-level. Therefore, the ability is definitely there, which also led to the Gan Jia and Hua The reason why the family is not too worried.

Mu Haihua clenched a fist and said confidently, "So for the time being, we don't need to take too much action. When our situation is set up, we will directly let Qi Changdong plant in. At that time, even if the Gan Jiahua family wants to do it, it will be too late!"

Mu Haixu touched his chin, frowned and asked, "Could it be that Qi Changdong really feels that this is the end of this matter? Would it be a little too calm?"

"We can't blame Qi Changdong and the Hua Family for not responding, they appear calm!" Mu Haihua laughed, "Actually, this is easy to guess. After all, Qi Changdong really has no big problems, mainly his property. The evidence only prevents him from sitting in that seat and staying in for two years, so he should not have any fear!"

"En!" Mu Haixu listened and nodded in agreement.

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