Although the May Day holiday will be reduced to three days in the future, the current May Day holiday is still a seven-day holiday, and Mu Yue can take a good rest at home.

In the past seven days, Mu Yue did not start with Changdong, and continued to let people continue to report on Gao Wenlong's affairs. With a little content report every day, some news broke every day, which gave Qi Changdong an illusion that this was aimed at Gao Wenlong. , Not against him.

Mu Yue was in the capital on his own, and still wandering outside every day, making the Gan and Hua family contemptuous of Jiangnan Province's affairs.

Taking advantage of the May Day holiday, a few aunts took Mu Yue out to buy clothes.

"You brats, get ready, go with us, and buy clothes with us!" Auntie walked out of the kitchen and said to Mu Yutao and others who were either playing games or watching TV.

I heard that I was going to accompany them to buy clothes, and I still accompany a group of women to buy clothes, it was obvious that they were used as porters.

Mu Yutao immediately shook his head like a rattle, and refused, "If you don't go, I won't go, I just stay at home!"

"Hmm, I'm not going either!" Mu Wenhao also nodded in agreement quickly, "Mom, you go, we won't accompany you!"

Mu Ziheng quickly explained, "I still have to do my homework!"

A joke, go shopping with a few women, they are determined to be labor, don't think about having a good life.

So, for the sake of your own body, don't go, lest you get tired.

Besides, the older brothers are not willing to go. What is he going to do?

He is the only one to go, and he will have to take all those things to get even more tiring at that time!

"You are not going, are you?" The second aunt asked a few stinky boys, squinting her eyes.

Mu Wenhao nodded decisively and replied decisively, "No, I don't plan to go!"

"Yes, don't go!"

Elder Mu looked at the opposing posture of a few stinky boys, couldn't help but smile, and shook his head.

The second aunt reminded Mu Yutao and the others, "Don't go, don't regret it!"

Mu Yutao waved their hands together, "If you don't go or don't go, Mom, don't talk about it anymore, we won't go!"

"Yes, we have other things!"

"It's fine if you don't go!" The big aunt snorted coldly and let them go, "Go, Xiao Yueer, aunts will help you buy some clothes and come back!"

"En!" Mu Yue nodded, and glanced at the few tortoises who had their heads retracted into his clothes, and couldn't help but laugh.

Is it so scary?

Really, no matter when, these men are most afraid of shopping with women.

Mu Yue and everyone greeted and left home.

Auntie drove, and the rest were sitting in the car. Auntie San glanced at the car as it was already moving, and smiled and said to Mu Yue, "Xiaoyue'er, this time we specially arranged for you!"

"Me?" Mu Yue was a little puzzled at the mysterious smile of the third aunt, what is the arrangement?

The second aunt also smiled mysteriously, "I'll know when you arrive!"

"Second aunt, third aunt, didn't you take me to buy clothes?" Mu Yue asked a little puzzled.

Four aunts also snickered, and looked at each other with a sly smile, "Whether you buy clothes or not, it's just that the one who accompanies you to go shopping is not us!"

Mu Yue touched her nose, wondering in her heart, what are these aunts doing? What the **** is it? Why did you hide it from her?

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