Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2031: Little sister-in-law 4

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan cooperated perfectly, and the cooking speed was very fast.

Because the number of people is only 20 or 30, everyone is divided into two tables, each table has 13 or 4 people, in the middle of the big table is a plate of delicious flavors.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

"Sister-in-law's craftsmanship is really good, it smells so good!"

"Yeah! It must taste good!"

"Well, even if the taste is not good, we must eat well!"

A group of guys are talking about each other with excitement and excitement on their faces.

Mu Yue and Xiao Junyan walked out of the kitchen with some of the others, and brought up just the right dishes.

"Here comes, the last soup and dishes are here!"

Dishes were placed on each table, and everyone sat down, ready to move their chopsticks.

Xia Zifan took a bottle of medicinal liquor, poured a glass in front of everyone, and said to everyone with a smile, "Come on, this is the wine made by my sister-in-law. Everyone taste it, how does it taste? The sister-in-law Ting said, this is medicinal wine, which can strengthen your body if you drink it!"

Mu Yue deliberately took out this medicinal wine from the space and asked Xiao Junyan to give it to Xia Zifan. You can drink it at lunch today. Keep some of the rest. They can also drink a little, which is good for their health.

"This wine is so fragrant!"

"Gudong, yes, this is even more mellow than Moutai!"

These guys usually drink less, and sometimes they enjoy it, buy a good bottle of wine, and have fun with it, and usually drink some Erguotou.

Now, smelling the strong aroma of medicinal liquor, I couldn't help but slobber.

Xia Zifan was the leader of these brothers. After pouring the wine, he picked it up and said to Mu Yue, "Sister-in-law, thank you for giving us these brothers a delicious lunch!"

Mu Yue also stood up with a smile, picked up the wine glass in front of him, and said with a smile to everyone, "Today, I am the first day here. You are Brother Xiao’s brother and my brother. In the future, if you If you need me, you can find me, I still have some money on hand!"

"Little sister-in-law, you will see you outside when you talk. We big masters, with hands and feet, can make money on their own, so there is no need for little sister-in-law to bother!"

"Yeah, sister-in-law, don't worry, we brothers, it is enough to have this place to live, we can take care of ourselves! Don't worry about the money!"

"Little sister-in-law's heart, we take it, as long as you are well with the boss, we will think everything is good!"

"Yes! Little sister-in-law, you want to be happy with the boss. If the boss offends anything, please bear with me!"

Listening to these brothers, the corners of Mu Yue's lips rose slightly, and he smiled, glanced at Xiao Junyan, and was amused in his heart. It is true that even his brothers are worried about him!

Xiao Junyan raised his head and glanced coldly at the brothers who were making noise. Suddenly, the guys closed their mouths one by one, not daring to say more about him.

Mu Yue smiled and quickly interrupted the embarrassing atmosphere, "No matter what, I am very happy today to be able to meet everyone, I will do it first!"

"My sister-in-law is so outrageous! You deserve to be the one the boss likes!"

Seeing Mu Yue drank the wine in the cup, the brothers also picked up the wine glass one by one and drank the wine in one gulp.

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