Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2032: The regretful Mu brothers 1

"This wine is really good!"

"Hey, I feel comfortable after drinking this wine!"

These guys, after drinking Mu Yue's medicinal wine, felt a sense of comfort in their bodies, and couldn't help but scream.

Xia Zifan also touched her stomach in surprise, then turned to look at Mu Yue, "Sister-in-law, what kind of wine is this, why does it feel so different?"

Mu Yue smiled and said, "This is the medicinal wine I brewed with Chinese medicine. It has the effect of strengthening the body!"

"So it's like this!" Xia Zifan listened, nodded suddenly, and poured himself a glass of wine, "This wine is really good, sister-in-law, your wine making skills are really good!"

"Yeah, this wine is really good, sister-in-law, do you have much more? We still want to drink it!"

"That's right, sister-in-law, can you give us a little bit of this wine? It's delicious!"

"It's even better than Moutai, and it's as powerful as drinking it!"

All of Xiao Junyan's brothers looked at Mu Yue expectantly.

Mu Yue laughed and said, "I can give you some of this wine at ordinary times, but I can teach you how to make some fruit wine. Using the fruits on your farm, you can also make delicious fruit wine!"

"This relationship is good, my sister-in-law can make such a good wine, and other wines should taste very good too!"

"Yes, sister-in-law, don't hesitate to say, we will follow your instructions one by one!"

"Little sister-in-law, we big bosses, we usually love such a bite, you give us an idea!"

The brothers looked at Mu Yue eagerly one by one.

Mu Yue nodded, "After a while, I will go around with Senior Brother Xiao to see what can be used here, and I can also help you use all the ingredients!"

"As long as there is a sister-in-law, we believe that you will be able to make us rich!" Xia Zifan smiled happily, and said to Mu Yue flatteringly.

"That's right, with the sister-in-law here, we don't have to worry about not making a lot of money!"

"Sister-in-law, our future happy life depends on you!"

The brothers looked at Mu Yue expectantly one by one, looking like a gambler, putting all their money on her.

Xiao Junyan also lowered his head, looking at Mu Yue beside him, his eyes were full of trust and expectation.

Mu Yue touched her nose in embarrassment. How did she feel that she seemed to have taken on a troublesome thing?

However, this is Xiao Junyan's brother, and she must also plan for their future future.

"Don't worry, I will help you, but you have to do the next thing yourself, I can't help you too much!" Mu Yue smiled and reminded everyone.

All the brothers said in unison, "Sister-in-law, despite your instructions, we will definitely complete the task 100%!"

Mu Yue coughed dryly, and quickly diverted everyone's attention, "Let's try the craftsmanship of Brother Xiao and me first!"

"Good!" Everyone moved their chopsticks together and ate the delicious dishes in front of them. They were full of praise, and there was no time to talk.

Several brothers gathered around a table and struggled with the delicacy in front of them.

"It's so delicious!"

"Sister-in-law's craftsmanship is so good!"

"That is, it is hundreds of times better than Lao Xie's craftsmanship!"

"Eh, I don't like to hear what you say, but, indeed, I admit that my craftsmanship is no better than my sister-in-law!"

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