Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2042: Capital One Middle School 3

Xu Yuxiang took Mu Yue and left the dean's office, leaving Mu Haiye and Zheng Youchong in the office.

Mu Yue followed Xu Yuxiang and turned to look at herself, the building in No. 1 Middle School.

The No. 1 High School was founded in the Qing Dynasty. Many celebrities in history came from the No. 1 High School. Now it is a first-class high school in Beijing.

Xu Yuxiang turned her head to look at Mu Yue behind her, with a bit of curiosity and inquiry in her eyes.

Mu Yue noticed Xu Yuxiang's gaze and asked with a smile, "Ms. Xu, why are you looking at me all the time?"

"Cough, cough, cough!" Xu Yuxiang coughed, "I read your information. You founded the company from scratch, is it true? Didn't the Mu family help you behind?"

Mu Yue walked to Xu Yuxiang's side and stood shoulder to shoulder with her, "Perhaps everyone will think so. Since I am the Mu family's lady, I must be able to create such a company with the help of the Mu family. Teacher Xu also thought of everyone. Similarly, I can’t change the teacher’s thinking in your heart!"

"I'm just curious, and I don't doubt it!" Xu Yuxiang explained, feeling hot on her face.

Mu Yue smiled and looked up at the blue sky slightly, "I don't care what the world thinks. I only care about this small world in front of me. As long as I have a clear conscience, as long as I feel that everything is worth it, I Will continue!"

Xu Yuxiang nodded gently, silently, her eyes flashed with contemplation, as if she was thinking of what Mu Yue said.

Mu Yue walked forward and heard rhythmic sounds in her ears. Turning around the corner, she saw a few teenagers playing basketball on the basketball court.

"Huh?" Mu Yue looked at the teenagers curiously, and turned her head to look at Xu Yuxiang next to him, "Mr. Xu, why are there still students playing basketball in this school?"

Xu Yuxiang smiled and walked to Mu Yue's side and said, "They are all from the school basketball team, and the basketball game will be coming soon, so they practiced contacting more in the school during the holidays!"

Mu Yue nodded suddenly, and stepped onto the basketball court, watching several tall and well-developed boys playing fiercely.


One by one dunks, one by one basketball enters the basketball hoop.

Suddenly, the boy who was playing basketball slapped the basketball in the hands of the opposite basketball boy and was shot at the edge of the basketball court. The goal was to fly towards Xu Yuxiang.

Xu Yuxiang looked at the basketball flying towards them, and suddenly screamed.

The boys who played basketball also yelled, "Be careful!"

Seeing the goal of this basketball, Mu Yue's figure flashed, and when he reached out, he grabbed the basketball that was flying towards them.

When the boys saw the basketball suddenly stopped and was caught, they immediately watched with their mouths open.

Then, seeing Mu Yue's wrist move, she threw the basketball in her hand at them.

The basketball flew towards the basketball hoop with a non-existent arc, and with a "swish" sound, the basketball went directly through the hollow and fell.

Everyone on the basketball court, seeing the scene in front of them, opened their eyes wide, and their sights followed the basketball and bounced on the ground.

Standing behind Mu Yue, Xu Yuxiang was also staring, with a face of disbelief, and his eyes followed the basketball bounce on the ground.

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