Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2043: Capital One Middle School 4

Mu Yue glanced at the basketball players faintly, and reminded him, "When playing basketball, pay attention!"

Hearing Mu Yue's words, these basketball players returned to their senses, especially the tallest male classmate among these basketball players. He wiped the sweat from his face and walked over.

"Sorry, Teacher Xu, I scared you guys!" The boy looked at Xu Yuxiang and Mu Yue apologizing with some embarrassment.

Xu Yuxiang patted her chest, which was a sigh of relief, "It's okay, it's okay, you just need to pay attention to it in the future! Don't be so crazy!"

The boy nodded quickly, but looked at Xu Yuxiang and Mu Yue curiously, "Mr. Xu, why are you at school? Isn't this school still on holiday?"

Xu Yuxiang introduced Mu Yue and said, "Oh, this student Mu Yue will transfer to our school next semester. Our class will come to study, so I will show her the school first!"

Then he introduced to Mu Yue, "Mu Yue, let me introduce you to him. His name is Sheng Yingfan. He is a student in Class 2 and the captain of the school's basketball team!"

Mu Yue nodded to Sheng Yingfan, "Hello, my name is Mu Yue!"

Sheng Yingfan was a little surprised, "Mu Yue? This name sounds familiar! The third grade transfer? Is this successful? Are you afraid of the impact of your grades? Did you transfer to the capital from other places? Although transferred to the capital high school, the college entrance examination scores are low and you can easily go to university , Can't this time, right?"

Universities in Beijing have some preferential policies for local students in Beijing, and their admission scores are far lower than those of other provinces and cities.

Therefore, in order to be admitted to the university in the capital, some people will go to the capital middle school with ease, and the exam will be easier.

This has also led to Sheng Yingfan's guessing that she is now transferring to a middle school.

"Mu Yue didn't transfer her to the school just for the college entrance examination results. Her parents are now in the capital, so she also followed them and passed the school's assessment. She was admitted with excellent grades. The principal has arranged for her to enter the school. We are in class!" Xu Yuxiang explained to Mu Yue.

Hearing Xu Yuxiang's explanation, Sheng Yingfan was a little surprised, "Enter the first class?"

In the school, there are good students, and naturally there are also some bad students. This also has some similarities with the No. 1 Middle School in Linshi.

Those who can enter the first class must have the best grades. Otherwise, the principal is afraid that good students will be ruined.

At this moment, Sheng Yingfan was a little surprised when he heard Xu Yuxiang's words.

"En! You are classmates in the future, everyone can take care of each other!" Xu Yuxiang smiled and said to Sheng Yingfan.

Sheng Yingfan nodded, "Okay, I get it!"

"Thank you!" Mu Yue and Sheng Yingfan nodded, smiling sweetly.

Sheng Yingfan took a deep look at Mu Yue, only to feel familiar, but he couldn't tell where he had seen him, so he could only greet him casually, and then inquire after he went back.

Xu Yuxiang looked at the two of them and said, "Student Mu Yue, let's go to another place first, don't stay here, lest we get hurt by them!"

"Okay!" Mu Yue nodded and followed Xu Yuxiang away.

Sheng Yingfan watched Mu Yue and Xu Yuying leave, and the basketball players behind them came up one by one, watching Mu Yue leaving behind curiously.

"Captain, who is she? She looks so beautiful!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, looks so beautiful, the school flower of our school has to be replaced!"

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