Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2046: Qi Family Father and Son 2

Following Qi Changdong's fall from the horse, Mu Yue did not hesitate to move here, and also sent Qi Rui's criminal evidence.

Although Qi Rui, the second generation ancestor, didn't really kill anyone, many people died because of him.

After strengthening some girls, not only did they not let the girls' parents call the police, but also arrested them, making their lives messed up.

After Mu Yue investigated them, she was found by people, and brought her team of lawyers to them to help them fight the lawsuit.

Help them in a lawsuit, as long as they need their evidence, but don't need their money, and give them free.

In the beginning, the family members who were victimized were still a little worried and skeptical. After all, it was Qi Changdong's son. They had sued so much before, but they were still useless. How did they believe this?

Some people who were hesitant saw the news spread outside, that is, the news that Qi Changdong was arrested, and they suddenly boiled over.

Qi Changdong was arrested, so no one would support Qi Rui, so when the lawyers came again, they agreed without saying anything, planning to kill Qi Rui completely.

With the reports of these people, Ye Tianming also took people to arrest Qi Rui, grabbed him at the police station, and began the trial and verdict.

The news of Qi Changdong and Qi Rui's father and son being arrested immediately reached the ears of the Gan family and the Hua family.

When they heard the news, they all regretted it.

"It must be the Mu family, it must be their hands, it must be them!" As the Gan family who supported Qi Changdong, they opened their mouths angrily and started cursing.

Gan Hailiang, the son of Mr. Gan, said angrily to Mr. Gan, "Dad, this matter was done by the Mu family. We absolutely can't just leave it like that!"

Thinking about his son, he was actually taken out of the country because of the Mu family. Thinking of this, Gan Hailiang felt extremely unwilling.

Elder Gan closed his eyes, leaned on the sofa, tapped his fingers on the armrests, and sighed, "What are you going to do? Do you think that you can release Qi Changdong just by saying that," Or do you think that if you do this, you can get revenge on the Mu's family?"

Hearing Mr. Gan's words, the members of the Gan family stopped talking.

Those who are here today are all the sons of Mr. Gan, their daughters and daughter-in-laws are not there, and the three generations are even less qualified to participate in such a meeting.

The atmosphere of the entire Gan family was very depressed because of Qi Changdong's affairs.

"Dad, although we all know that this is made by the Mu family, we can't just sit and wait like this!" Gan Xinliang, the eldest son of Mr. Gan, said unwillingly to Mr. Gan, "That's our Gan family Sir, although he is not the first and second in command, he is also the third in command at any rate. It is still a standing job. The loss of such a seat is also a painful thing for our Gan family!"

Old Man Gan opened his eyes, scanned his son, and asked coldly, "Then you guys tell me, what should I do with this matter?"

When asked by Mr. Gan, several big men in their 40s and 50s lowered their heads one by one, and they didn't know what to do next.

At this time, they only had anger and hatred in their hearts, and they just wanted to slap the Mu family under their feet for revenge.

"This matter is already like this, we have no strength to go back to heaven, let's just wait for it to change!" Old man Gan glanced at the crowd, and finally sighed, giving them a final answer.

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