Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2047: Qi Family Father and Son 3

Qi Changdong did not last long, and the evidence is solid.

He has no other problems, mainly financial problems, and the other is being implicated by his son.

The crime committed by Qi Rui is indeed a death sentence.

He not only raped, but also threatened and intimidated him, and even sent the gangsters to harass the relatives of the girls who were strengthened by him, and even injured them.

An old man with a girl was injured, because he was old and had no money for treatment, and soon died. This hatred also fell on Qi Rui.

At that time, they couldn't find Qi Rui for revenge, but Mu Yue found evidence and brought the lawyer team to find them to help them get justice.

How can these people not fight back after grabbing Mu Yue's straw?

Those girls have been harmed by Qi Rui. They have become bad girls in the eyes of people around them. After suffering so many grievances, they can finally get revenge today, and they will naturally not let it go.

They just want Qi Rui to pay a heavy price.

Cases were placed on the table in front of Qi Rui, Ye Tianming’s face was full of bright smiles, "Qi Rui, come on, let’s talk about these cases, how do you plan to handle these cases? ?"

"Gudong!" Qi Rui swallowed, staring at the documents on the interrogation table in front of him, only feeling that his throat was dry.

Ye Tianming took out the basics casually, and read the contents to Qi Rui, only to hear the cold sweat on this guy's forehead, rushing out, it was a madness.

"Hehe, don't think you have a father who is a high-ranking official, so you can be fine. Today, not only you were arrested, but even your father was also arrested. Well, it was all arrested at your house, you two. Father and son were arrested together!" Ye Tianming still said with a smile on his face.

The disciplinary inspection and their police arrested people at the same time at the Qi's house. At that time, they were having dinner, and suddenly someone came and arrested their father and son.

Therefore, Qi Rui at this moment is so unstable.

"You...what are you going to do!" Qi Rui's panicked gaze shifted to Ye Tianming's body.

Ye Tianming patted the file in his hand and said with a smile, "Nothing, I just want you to confess the guilt! We...we don't wrong innocent people, let's sort him out one by one! "

Qi Rui's whole body was trembling lightly, looking at Ye Tianming fearfully. At this moment, his heart was very panicked and he didn't know what to do.

He was originally a second-generation ancestor, and he usually knew that he would use his father to show off his might and do bad things outside!

Now that his father and him were arrested at the same time, that would definitely be an issue!

Moreover, the wind has been very tight recently, and he also knows that it was because of what he and Gao Wenlong did and because of offending Mu Yue.

So he is also very good. Recently, he has stayed at home and has really become a lady who can't get out of the door.

It's just a pity that things have developed to this point. Without the support of his father, he just feels that the pillar father who has supported his entire world has also fallen. He really doesn't know what to do.

"Qi Rui, let's explain it carefully, and see which of your crimes can reduce some of the criminal laws, and, for those things you did, does your father know if he helped you suppress those cases? "Ye Tianming tempted Qi Rui with a smile.


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