Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2052: Mu Yue leaves Linshi 3

Before Mu Yue returned to the capital, she still had a lot to do.

For the handover of work in Lin City, and the subsequent development, it is necessary to explain clearly to Ling Hong in advance.

After several meetings with the upper-level staff of the Medicinal Food Restaurant, Dream Cosmetics Company, Hengyue Real Estate Company and Longxiang Pharmaceutical Company, Mu Yue's work was temporarily over.

After staying in Lin City to get the report card, Mu Yue went to Shencheng and Jianghuai Province.

Wu Hongjun accompanied Mu Yue to Shencheng.

Wu Hongjun is purely a ride, and Mu Yue also wants to meet Wu Ming. Regarding the development of Longteng Group in Shencheng, he needs to ventilate with Wu Ming.

"From now on I am in Shencheng, I will take care of your Longteng Group a lot!" Wu Hongjun said with a smile, "Take it as your favor for letting me ride a ride this time!"

"Wow, this grace is really cheap!" Mu Yue also said jokingly with a smile.

Wu Hongjun shrugged his shoulders and said, "Who made us friends? This is what it should be. Moreover, my dad can have this seat. In fact, it has something to do with you. If it weren't for you, my dad wouldn't be able to City, take that seat!"

Mu Yue's body melted into the seat, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and said, "This is your father's own ability and strength, even without us, he can!"

"Yes, but not so fast!" Wu Hongjun glanced at Mu Haiye who was driving and said.

Mu Yue smiled slightly, "I just speeded up a little bit, but you seem to be very clear about this. You are going to take the road of civil servants in the future, right?"

"Forget it!" Wu Hongjun crossed his fingers and placed it on his lap, "I can't go into business. Without your kind of mind, it would be better to follow my dad!"

Mu Yue turned his head, took a deep look at Wu Hongjun, and said with a smile, "Indeed, you will surely be honest in the future!"

Wu Hongjun touched his face, "Unexpectedly, your face is really amazing, you can see my future!"

"It's okay, but my mind is focused on medical skills. I look at the fortune-telling, but I am not so proficient in gossip!" Mu Yue said with some embarrassment.

Hey, they don't just pay attention to traditional Chinese medicine skills, but also to Qimen gossip and metaphysics.

She is now proficient in traditional Chinese medicine, but Qimen Bagua metaphysics is not that good. She will have to learn more in the future, which will have a great effect on him in the future cultivation of Qigong.

Wu Hongjun sighed for a while, but it was also mixed with a bit of bitterness, "I really envy you, I can worship such a good master and learn such a profound knowledge! Your future achievements are even more powerful than mine!"

The better Mu Yue's ability, he knew that he was less and less worthy of her.

Therefore, he can only choose to quit, and only Xiao Junyan can be worthy of Mu Yue.

This is regarded as his first love, and it is also good to have some aftertastes later.

"I am a girl, what can I achieve the most, that is, earning more money, so that I can live the life of a tyrant for the rest of my life!" Mu Yue chuckled lightly and said jokingly.

Wu Hongjun nodded in agreement, "It is true, girls should enjoy life and live a happy life!"

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