Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2053: Mu Yue leaves Linshi 4

Mu Haiye took Mu Yue and Wu Hongjun to Wu Ming's government residence.

It can be said that it was the first time for Mu Yue to come to Wu's house. Wu Ming knew that Mu Yue and Mu Haiye were coming, so they left work earlier in the evening.

Wu's mother has also prepared dinner, waiting for them.

Mu Haiye parked the car, and Mu Yue and Wu Hongjun got out of the car.

Wu Hongjun saw his mother and said hello, "Parents, I'm back!"

"Mu Dong, Miss Mu is here!" Wu Ming greeted him from the inside, smiled and stretched out his hand to shake Mu Haiye.

At this time, it is no longer suitable to call Mu Yue as Mu Dong. Now Mu Haiye is also here. Mu Haiye is also the chairman of a company group. Both of them are called Mu Dong. They are not clear, so they can only call Mu Yue. Miss Mu.

Mu Haiye smiled and shook hands with Wu Ming, "Mayor Wu, hello! Excuse me!"

"Nothing to bother or bother, because I'm busy with work, and I bother you to help me send my son. Thank you so much!" Wu Ming smiled and said politely to Mu Haiye.

"Yes, Wu Hongjun is not only a classmate with my son, but also a classmate and friend with my niece!" Mu Haiye smiled in reply.

Mu Yue also smiled and shook hands with Wu Ming, and handed the specially prepared medicinal liquor and tea to Wu Ming, "Uncle Wu, this is the medicinal liquor I brewed myself. It can nourish the body, and I will bring some to you to taste!"

With a bright smile on Wu Ming's face, he said, "How embarrassing is this!!"

Mu Yue smiled and said to Wu Ming, "I am a junior, respect the elders, I should! Uncle Wu, you take it away!"

"Haha, okay, then I will accept it! Thank you!" Wu Ming carried medicinal wine and tea, all smiles.

He has also drunk medicinal liquor, but he has never drunk tea, but he heard that the tea is also good. Now that Mu Yue can come, he is still very happy.

"You must be tired along the way. Come and come, everyone should go to the house. I have already made dinner and sit down to eat first!" Mother Wu said a few words with her son, and said to everyone with a smile.

Wu Ming also hurriedly turned sideways and stepped aside, "Mu Dong, Miss Mu, go in first and have something to eat!"

Mu Yue left Lin City after taking care of the company's affairs. It was already afternoon, and it was time to have dinner here.

Originally intended for them to go to the hotel to eat, but just to send Wu Hongjun back, Wu's mother heard that Mu Yue and the others must come to eat at home, so she stopped by.

"Thank you!" Mu Haiye and Mu Yue nodded, and then entered the Wu family.

Mu Yue and five others sat at the table. Wu Ming smiled and directly took out the medicinal liquor, and said to Mu Yue and them, "There is no good liquor at home, just take the medicinal liquor that Miss Mu brought!"

"I won't drink anymore, I will have to drive later!" Mu Haiye quickly waved his hand and refused.

Driving without drinking, drinking without driving, this is what every driver must know and abide by.

Although Mu Yue could also drive, Mu Yue couldn't be so used to Mu Haiye, so he had to make him drink less.

Mother Wu smiled and said, "It's okay, we still have a room in our house, we can live in our house!"

"No, we have to go to the company in Shencheng. We still have a lot to do, so we won't live here!" Mu Haiye smiled and declined.

"That's it, then forget it, don't drink it, drink the juice!" Wu Ming could only put the medicinal wine, and said regretfully.

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