Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2058: Arrangements before returning to Beijing 4

Mu Yue listened to the words of the villagers, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, comforting everyone, "Don’t worry, if I hire people, I will definitely hire people, but you have some land here that still grows you. As for the crops, when your crops are harvested, and then expand the site of Chinese medicinal materials, you will let your relatives come back, and I will ask Manager Nie to arrange work for your relatives!"

After receiving Mu Yue's answer, the villagers in these villages all had bright smiles on their faces, "Good, good!"

"Thank you Mu Dong!"

"I said Mu Dong will definitely agree!"

"That's right, Mu Dong, you have helped us so much, you can help us with this little help!"

Mu Yue smiled, but there was a serious look on her face again, reminding everyone to say, "But one thing, I want to make it clear to everyone that these Chinese medicines are used to cure diseases and save people. I hope everyone will take them seriously and plant them well. For these medicinal materials, we are not afraid of deep skill or spending money, as long as the medicinal materials that are planted are good, that's good!"

Hearing this, the old village chief patted his chest and promised, "Mu Dong, don't worry, I will help you watch the old man, and I will definitely not let everyone be lazy! Listen to the guidance of those experts, and plant medicinal materials well!"

"Well, with your old saying, I'm relieved!" Mu Yue laughed, "I'm here this time to look at the cultivation of medicinal materials, and everyone's living conditions, and I want everyone to move. It will take another year or two, and this house will have to wait until the road is completed before the construction materials can be sent over!"

"It's all right, Mu Dong, we can wait!"

"That's right, even Mu Dong is not anxious about this matter, why are we anxious?"

"We also know that this road is difficult to repair. It has been repaired before, but it is not repaired well, and it is always broken. It takes time to repair it!"

"We can wait slowly, and when we build in the future, we can also help!"

Everyone was not angry about Mu Yue's comfort, but they were all understanding, comforting Mu Yue not to worry, but to take his time.

Mu Haiye, who was on the side, listened to these villagers seeing what Mu Yue said, feeling a burst of pride and pride in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Mu Yue had such a high status in the hearts of these villagers.

He has also met some relocated villagers before, and they are not as good at talking as these villagers.

Mu Haiye didn't know about these things, it was exactly what Mu Yue did in the village, so that these villagers would be grateful.

Not only did they save them from the risk of their children's death, but also helped them build houses and arrange jobs. It was too little.

"Okay, everyone, let's go back first. I will first look at the medicinal seedlings. After I am optimistic, I will come and talk to you about how to grow medicinal materials next time!" Mu Yue said to everyone.

All the villagers nodded and left after listening.

After sending away those enthusiastic villagers, Mu Haiye couldn't help but admire and said, "Xiao Yueer, you are so amazing, let these villagers thank you so much!"

Mu Yue smiled and explained, "Actually, it's nothing. When the children in this village were abducted and killed, I helped them catch the murderer. Of course they are grateful to me!"

"No wonder!" Mu Haiye nodded suddenly when he heard the explanation.

Mu Yue smiled and said to Qiu Moge and Nie Zhiming, "Go, let's go to the medicine field first!"

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