Rebirth Doctor Girl: Young Army, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 2059: Arrangements before returning to Beijing 5

Mu Yue went around in the medicinal field and inspected the medicinal seedlings. The medicinal materials planted in the field have gradually become alive.

There are not many varieties of medicinal materials, but they also have a small scale.

After the inspection, Mu Yue came to Zhushi's courtyard. The villagers all took their own small stools and sat here, waiting for Mu Yue's arrival.

Today Mu Yue came here not only to check the cultivation of Chinese medicinal materials, but also to teach the villagers how to grow these Chinese medicinal materials.

In the past two days, by precept and example, with them, face-to-face teaching, so as to ensure that there is no growth of Chinese herbal medicines.

When the villagers saw Mu Yue's arrival, they greeted each other.

Nie Zhiming took a chair for Mu Yue, and Mu Yue said, "Is there a blackboard?"

"Blackboard? Is there any!" Nie Zhiming nodded quickly and sent someone to move the blackboard in the room and put it in the yard.

Mu Yue glanced at the blackboard, nodded, and turned to the crowd and said, "Today I summon everyone here because I want to talk to you about how to grow medicinal materials, Mr. Nie, listen and answer. How to arrange people going down!"

Nie Zhiming nodded quickly, took out all the paper and pen he had prepared, and said with a smile, "Mu Dong, I'm ready, just tell me!"

Mu Yue smiled and glanced at some other staff members with satisfaction, "Then I will start talking. From now on, only one kind of medicinal material can be grown in each medicinal field and in each greenhouse. Influencing each other! And inside, at least two or three people are responsible for the planting and maintenance of Chinese medicinal materials!"

"Okay, Mu Dong!" Nie Zhiming quickly wrote down what Mu Yue had said in his notebook.

"Everyone also points out. If you don't understand anything, don't be afraid of being shy. Just ask, the medicinal materials are very fragile. If there is any mistake, it will cause the death of these medicinal materials or weaken the medicinal properties!" Mu Yue is serious again. To the villagers and staff present at the scene carefully reminded, "Moreover, you must not use medicines, and you must not use fertilizers and insecticides. These medicines will destroy the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials!"

"Yes!" Nie Zhiming and others nodded quickly.

The villagers also nodded and agreed, "Mu Dong, we will ask!"

"We don't understand this, we will remember it!"

The old village chief smiled and said, "I will see more. Although I can't do physical work anymore, old man, it's okay to do some mouth work. I will write down the method you said, and I will read it to them in the future. listen!"

"Well, thank you, the old village chief!" Mu Yue smiled and nodded, and said to Nie Zhiming, "Manager Nie, I also told you just now that we can find more students majoring in Chinese medicinal materials. The treatment, as long as they have enough professional knowledge and good character!"

Nie Zhiming nodded, "Mu Dong, I will find it myself!"

"En, this matter is left to you!" Mu Yue also nodded in satisfaction, and then explained everything clearly.

No matter it is Nie Zhiming and other staff members who are listening very carefully, even the villagers in the village are also listening very carefully.

Those who could understand some words wrote down Mu Yue's words one by one, and the memorability is not as good as the bad pen.

They also want to do this job well, not only do not want to lose their job, but also want to repay Mu Yue's kindness.


Next is the situation in Beijing! political center!

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